Chapter Twenty-Five: Meetings

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"You could have at least told me you were practically brothers before I went all weirdly possessive on him" Ashton whisper-yelled, dramatically flailing his arms around as Calum tried to contain his laughter. They were standing inside of the bathroom while Luke and Nia were conversing in the other room.

"I'm sorry" Calum snorted. "In my defense- wait, you got possessive over me?" Calum cut himself off, smirking. Ashton struggled to find something to say as he blushed furiously, continuously opening and closing his mouth, trying to find something to say.

"I-um- you know I just- I- we- we haven't - fuck I have no idea what the hell I'm saying. I'm leaving now" Ashton rushed out as he left the bathroom. As soon as the door clicked shut Calum couldn't contain his laughter any longer. He heard Ashton scrambling to get Nia and himself out of the apartment, mumbling excuses and partial goodbyes. When Calum heard the front door slam he started to panic, knowing the only people left in the apartment were him and Luke.

He still hasn't talked to luke since he got here. He gave him a brief hug before Ashton pulled him into the bathroom but nothing more. What if he actually hates him and he just needs a place to crash while he figures things out? What if they can't get along and they end up fighting and he falls deeper into depression? Calum shook his head trying to rid himself of these thoughts. He opened the bathroom door and slowly walked out into the living room, surveying the vibe in the room.

Luke was sitting on the white couch, picking at his finger nails as Calum cautiously went around the coffee table and sat beside him, with a respectable distance between them.

"How have you been?" Luke asked, his voice distant and sad like Ashton realized earlier, he didn't look up from his nails as he asked the question.

"Suicidal and sad. What about you?" Calum asked.

"Just about the same" Luke shrugged, a tiny smile threatening his lips.

"I want to be your friend again luke. If anything I want to be anxious and depressed together. Luke we used to be as close as siblings and now-"

"We're as close as strangers" (not sorry) Luke cut him off. Calum sighed as he sunk into the couch.

"Look Cally I know we drifted b-"

"We didn't drift I left you" Calum mumbled, ashamed of his words. He was slightly buzzing because of the childhood nickname that Luke gave him. He hasn't called him Cally since before the accident.

"If I were you I would have left too. It was just your luck that your mum had enough money to ship you away from the all the madness" Luke shrugged.

"I could've taken you with me. Luke, you and I were inseparable before the accident. I can not express to you how incredibly sorry I am Luke" tears started to build in his eyes as he spoke.

"The past in the past Cally, we're here now and I guess all we need is a fresh start" Luke said, finally looking up for the first time since Calum sat beside him. He gave him a small smile, and though it was small it held hope.


"No because he ended up tripping and spilling all of the marbles, our prank was ruined and we got suspended" Luke and Calum busted into laughter as did everyone else who was sitting at the table, which was Ashton and Nia. Calum invited Michael over but he couldn't come due to work reasons. Apparently McDonald's was in dire need of his services , tragic really.

"Ok moving onto a different subject, can someone tell me what is going on between you two cause I see a lot of heart eyed glances and a hell of a lot of footsie in action" Luke chuckled, staring between Calum and Ashton. The two blushed furiously as they snatched their feet away from each others under the table.

"It's uh- complicated...?" Ashton looked down at his hands as he spoke. Nia started laughing as the two simply blushed. Before anyone else could say anything the door swung open and at loud voice filled Calum apartment.

"Calum are you here? I have a lot of issues and I-" the lilac haired boy froze in his tracks when he looked at the group of people at the table. His eyes widened when seeing a certain blonde boy who was slowly beginning to stand up.

"What's up Mike?" Calum asked, completely oblivious to the hearts in his eyes as he stared at Luke.

"Luke?" Michael breathed. A smile broke out on Lukes face as he went around the table and approached Michael. Nia, Calum, and Ashton stared at the two with furrowed eyebrows. Luke reached out and poked Michaels chest making the lilac haired boy chuckle.

"You're here" he whispered

"What's going on?" Ashton whispered in Calum's ear. He simply shrugged and looked back at the two. By now the lilac boy had engulfed the blonde in a hug.

"What's going on? You two barely talked in High School" Calum asked, curiously. The two separated with flushed cheeks.

"I'll explain later. We'll be back" Michael said as he gripped lukes wrist and dragged him outside.

(it'll all be explained later..... I hope)


"When Luke asked us about our relationship I couldn't think of an answer" Ashton whispered, his fingertips brushing up and down Calum's arm as he propped himself up on his elbows. Calum sighed, running his hand through Ashton's soft curls. Ashton smiled and sighed in content as Calum's fingernails scraped against his scalp.

"We suck at this" Calum said bluntly making the two burst into laughter. Once the laughter died down Ashton smiled fondly at the brunette.

"I want you in every way a person can want another. I don't want to get confused when someone asks us what we are" Ashton sighed. Calum was about to open his mouth to speak but Ashton cut him off by pressing their lips together.

"If you don't want me in the same way I'll leave. But I want to be able to call you mine, from sunrise to sunset remember?" Calum smiled at that.

"Ashton I've never been in love before, but when I'm with you my heart does this weird fluttery thing and my face gets all hot and I just can't help but smile. I guess I just need you to make everything alright" Calum said. Ashton found himself grinning like an idiot.

"I just need to be able to call you mine" Ashton whispered, his lips close to Calum's neck.

"Then call me yours" he whispered back. Ashton softly growled as he fully attached his lips to Calum's neck.

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