What if?

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Just like a bird, I want to soar
I want to be me plus much more
But I'm afraid to open my wings and fly
Out of my nest and into the sky

What do I do?
I'm afraid of heights, aren't you?
The way down is a long one
The view itself might be fun
Fun to look at, but not experience
Because I'd rather not fall, no words minced

It's hard being a bird afraid to fly
When the sole purpose of a bird is to reach the sky
I want to fly, but I'm scared of falling and gaining a scar
I don't want to do that, even if I fly very far

I know half my goal will be done if I fly for a long time
But then, what if I fall into slime?
What if I fall onto the earth
And I have to repair my self worth
Because I've hit dirt
And I'm hurt?

But what if I fly
And actually reach the sky?
What if I fly the longest?
Can I then be proud and puff my chest?
I'd then be the proudest bird around
And I'd chirp with a happy sound
What if?

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now