If I were superman....

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If I were superman, I'd save the world from all its troubles
If I were superman, I'd do that on the double
If I were superman, I'd be the hero of this century
If I were superman, would Clark my name be?

If I were superman, I wouldn't be me
But it's nice to dream a little of what I could be
If I were superman, I'd have my own set of issues
If I were superman, would I need tissues?

If I were superman, who would I be?
Someone with a hidden identity?
But I'm already that, in a way
So, do I really want to be superman today?

If I were superman, I'd have superhuman abilities
If I were superman, I'd be able to pick up a 70 pound rock with no trouble, please
If I were superman, I'd fly high in the sky
If I were superman, I'd be watching clouds go by

If I were superman, would I be any different then I am now?
If I were superman, would I accomplish more, somehow?
If I were superman, would I be normal enough?
If I were superman, would I be more than tough?

If I were superman, would I be okay?
If I were superman, would I be saving the day every day?
If I were superman, wouldn't I go crazy from all of life's troubles?
If I were superman, would life just be saving the human race while I'm in some happy bubble?

If I were superman, would I be a robot?
I hope not
If I were superman, would I be called Zero?
If I were superman, would I be someone's hero?

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