Thank you (Kiro X Half-Neko! Reader)

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// He dosen't  have a pic// USES KAITO PIC INSTEAD//

"Nya~n Kiro-Nyan, i want ice creammmmmm >W< Gimme ice cream wwww hurrryyyyyyy >w< " 

" HUWAT?!ITS FREAKING 3 AM IN THE DAMN MORNING! WHO EATS ICE CREAM THIS EARLY???? AND I WAS SLEEPING -_-" Kiro half shouted half still asleep at you  and you fell off his bed while in shock "And who are you anyway????" 

Okey now you're shocked. He just asked who you are when he was the one who took care of you when you were abandoned just because you were different and now he asked who you are?! HOW COULD HE?????!!!!!!!!!!! 

Oh wait, you were a kitten just last week *facepalm* ' I'm an idiot *mentally facepalm* That stupid witch' 

Yeah thats right, you were a kitten just a week ago when you were abandoned, guess what? The dougche who abandoned you was a witch and she tried a spell on you which makes you half human- half cat every new moon until the moon goes back to a full moon. 

You stood up in front of kiro and did the "Points to self with thumb pose" 

"I am (Y/N), you named me, remember? I was cursed by that stupid witch then she abandoned me, and that's when you found me. I've been waiting for the new moon to tell you... Thank you for taking me in and taking care of me when no one else did, you were the only human who even bothered to look at me *teary eyes*  everyone else just walks past me when they saw me, some called me cursed because of how different i was from normal kittens, but you, you were different, you took me in despite my odd colours and even called me unique. I was so happy then, I even forgot how weak i was, before i could even say a thing, i already passed out. So, Thank you, Kiro." *Teary eyed smile* 

Kiro's eyes softened as he looked at you, your (Hair colour) hair, (Eye colour) eyes and your innocent smile. He was shocked to say the least, but he was delighted, when he found you,you were a sick-undernourished-almost dying kitten. He took you to see a vet, fed and took good care of you, in return, you were there in his darkest times, his darkest nights,when he's happy and sad, you were there for him when everyone was not, you kept him company. He grew a strong connection with you during those times,he came to fall in love with a kitten. A KITTEN. HE FELL IN LOVE WITH A KITTEN. (GDI I WANNA BE A CAT NOW. MAKE ME A CAT. NOW. thx c: )

"K-kiro..? kirooooooooo... KIRO! *snaps fingers infront of his face*" "HAI?!!! (Y/N) chan... close your eyes." "Why? but..okay..." *closes eyes* 

Kiro leans in and *KISS* 

You opened your eyes to him kissing you <3 

"I fell in love with you as a kitten, (Y/N) chan" He smiles and hugs you real tight. 

"Stay with me always."

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