The cat which brought us together(Urata X Reader)

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"Urata!! Where's (Cat name)? I can't find them anywhere!" You exclaimed through the building as you and your utaite buddies were on a vacation trip and you decided to bring your cat along thinking that she/he may be lonely at home as your parents were on their own vacation.

"Did you lose (Cat name)?! It's your own cat for heaven's sake! Where could they even go? Its literally snowing outside and the temperatures are in the single digits. Asking around all your buddies, they all said they don't know.

After looking for about 10minutes straight, you were about to break down in tears when Urata walked towards you. You saw his feet and looked uo to see (Cat's name) snuggly sleeping in his arms. "OMG URATA!! YOU FOUND HER/HIM!!! THANK YOU!!! I almost thought I had to go through the terror again." You hugged him letting the tears escape your eyes,not even caring if anyone saw or anything. You were just glad that your friend has been found.

"Where did you find her/him? I looked everywhere and could not find them." You broke away and held your cat. his cheeks were dusted a shade of pink from the hug,"o-oh i found her/him in my room..." he studdered and trailed off.

You held your cat tightly in your arms, afraid of lossing them again. "Thanks again, Urata. If i really lost him/her or if anything bad happened i won't know what to do anymore."

Your other friends were all preparing for the game while you were having your quiet time with Urata because of your cat.

Just when he wanted to hug you because you threw your sad story about your cat and you at him, when Reol exclaimed practically into your ears that you guys are playing Truth or Dare.

When she stumbled in you were almost in tears,"URATA MADE (Y/N) CRY!!!" Reol annouced to the group and everyone stared daggers at him. His hands were up in defence "I did nothing" he said.

You were still teary so talking was out of the question for you and defending him for now is just impossible.

After a while of tearing, you finally calmed down and explained everything to everyone. Everyone kinda appologised to Urata and hugged you. It's alright now,(Y/n), you have us now,you won't be alone ever again." Kradness said as he hugged you.

You smiled back at them as a thank you and procceeded with the game. Everyone knew that Urata had feelings for you so when you played Truth or Dare, it was a setup to get you to notice Urata.

"Dare." You gave a smirk and Clear said "I dare you, to kiss Urata,on the lips." You blushed cherry blossom pink when he said that, but since you dared, you have to do it.

You turned to Urata who was only sitting beside you and asked him to close his eyes, he nodded and did as told. Just then,you leaned in and kissed him quickly and turned to look at the ground,then everyone cheered, leaving you and Urata blushing throughout the rest of the game.

During the game, he held your hand and you accepted it. Reol saw this and "THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS!!!" everyone cheered while you stood up and had "horns" popping out from your head "R-E-O-L, YOU'RE GONNA GET IT THIS TIME!!!" You dashed towards her and chased her around the place.

All this time, your cat just slept on the pillow infront of the fireplace.

Utaites X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin