Protect (Luz x Reader)

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I'll just casually sad a lil' warning here...

Okey, enjoy ^^

"Often we forget the power of
a touch, a smile, a kind word and
a listening ear. "

It was another dark and rainy night where she was lying alone in her bed, with soft cries ringing throughout the dark night yet silenced to the outside world.

Another night went by with the same routine, another tempting thought of taking her own life went through her mind, another trail of red running along her arms as her soft cries fell onto the silent night.

Oh how she wishes to be set free of this pain, this teagedy, but she had to live on, being so afraid of what might haunt her in the afterworld, she held onto the last shred of courage she had to face the morning sun.

Just as she was about to close her tired eyes, her phone rang. She wanted to ignore it or turn it on silent, but that ringtone was saved for her shred of hope.

She unwillingly picked up the call,

"(Y/N)! Where are you now."

The voice on the end sounded more of a command then a question.

The (h/c)-ed girl gulped hard, trying not to let any tears out.


Her soft and quavering voice managed to sound, "I'm coming over now, open your window." The voice on the other end gripped her heart ever so slightly.

"Y-you don't have to c-come over... I'm..fine.." she tried to smile slightly, trying to cover up the fact that her wings were torn off and her heart was shattering to pieces with a fake happy tone but failed terribly.

"I'm coming over and that's final. So open your window and wait for me." That commanding voice again, she had no choice but to abide.

"Just wait for me and don't do that stupid thing again." Her (e/c)-ed eyes widened slightly at his words.

'How does he know about that incident? It was so minor that no one knew about, the only ones who knew were my family'

She stayed silent while thoughts of how he got that that information raced through her mind s the call was dropped.

Just after the call was dropped, she heard his voice calling out her name from below.

"(Y/n)! I'm here now" as he said that, he climbed a nearby tree and leaped from its branch and into her open window, surprisingly unharmed.

Just as he landed in her room, he held her in a tight embrace, with her face in his chest while his hands covering her ears.

"Its alright to cry, its alright to feel weak, its alright if your nightmares arw playing out and you just want to scream, its alright if you need to shut out the world, it will be alright, for I will be here shutting out the noise for you, I am here to protect you from the outside which you are afraid of. So don't handle everything by yourself, just lean onto me for once, I won't do anything to hurt you (Y/n), you know i won't"

While he was speaking, her tears flowed freely, soaking his clothes, but he didn't mind, if it was for the one he treasured, he wouldn't mind shutting out the world for her.

As her silent criesfilled the night, there was one who heard her cries, he held her tightly in his arms, shutting out the whole world, even if just for a moment, for her, it was an eternity.

"I-i'm sorry... Luz...I-"

"Shh... just keep quiet for now (Y/n), you don't have to tell me anything anymore, just listen to my heartbeat and know that I will always protect you from this world, even when you feel alone, I'll be right at your side shutting out the world for you, because you are just that precious to me"

The stars shined a dim light as the rain died down, the pair stayed there, with her asleep in his arms and he stared at the dimly lit sky, he whispered into the quiet night, "I will always protect the one i treasure most, even if the world is against me"


Hopefully i didn't make anyone cry....


I legit imagined this being a real life scenario  O_O

Haha... that was random XD

Date: 10June

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