Little Dreamer(Nqrse x Reader)

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"Little dreamer, little dreamer, why can't you see? You were never alone when you have me"

You read out the note in hand. It was exam season again, and you were taking your national exams this year. Your choosen coursework was art and we all know how long and tiring coursework is.

You were over at Nqrse's place for sleep over and to do your work since your family was out on vacation and you felt heavy at home to do any work.

~only less than 10 minutes into doing work~

"Aaaa Nqrseeeee helpppp meehhh ;-;" You melted your head onto the table while whining to your best-brother-like-friend-which-you-definately-do-not-have-a-crush-on-or-so-you-claimed-friend while he was writing out some rap lyrics for a new cover.

"*sigh* (Y/n) chan, your idea is already almost perfect, just try to be more,hmm..... focused!"

You semi glared at him then sat up again, "hnnnn lucky you don't needa deal with this trouble. *sigh* this is a stupud idea isn't it? I chose the topic on Dreams while I don't even know what my own dream is"

You suddenly blurted out. His interest was struck since he stopped writing. "What do you mean you don't know what your dream is? Isn't yourit your dream to be a professional illustrator?" You glanced at hin then sunk back onto the table,facing him.

"Hah~~~ I don't even know! An illustrator would be nice, but i wanna be an utaite too and i also wanna do animations and be a designer and waitress and-"

Nqrse shoved a piece of chocolate into your mouth while you chattered away, making you come to an instant stop and munching on the candy. "Then why not just turn what you're feeling now into a story and compress it into a series of artworks?"

Your spirut suddenly lit up due to both the chocolate and the brilliant idea he gave you. You literally jumped up and glomped him "HNNN NQRSEEE THANK YOUUUU"

You continued hugging him until you finally calmed down and realised you were in top on him. You blushed a million shades of pink and quickly got uo only to fall back down with him catching you. "You're such a clumsy bun (Y/n) chan." He sighed while you were still in his arms and still blushing a million shades of pretty pink.

"S-sorry >///<" You tried to get up but felt him holding on tighter. Then his face nuzzling the back of your neck "mmmhnm you smell nice (Y/n) chan." He was blushing shades of pink while nuzzling into your soft hair.

"N-nqrse!! W-what are you d-doing >///<"
Sure,you both don't mind physical contact, but him doing something like this was new.

"You don't like it?" He asked in his cool voice while nuzzling through your hair and you could feel his breath on your neck.

"I-it's n-not like i-i don't like it...mnhmn" You could feel him kiss your neck, to which you squirmed a little.

"N-nqrse... mhmmnya!! Uuuu" he knew exactly how to satisfy you when you were stressed out but this was special.

You heard hum chuckle when you cat out,making you blush even more,almost to the point of passing out.

"Mm i got somethung to tell you, (Y/n) chan."
He turned you around so you were facing him, "I love you, (Y/n) chan. Since we've met during the elective module last year, i never thought i would fall for you, but the more we talked, the more we hung out, i began falling for you. Each time you called my name, my heart skips a beat. Go out with me?"

He blushed a little while confessing to which you were speechless and stunned and hapoy but stunned and overjoyed that someone you have feelings for just confessed in such a way.

You could not form any words at all and just nodded. He smirked and leaned into kiss you smack on the lips,making you pass out from joy into his arms.

He was surprised but found that cute. So he laid out his blanket, placed you in the blanket, and rolled you up like a sushi roll since the room was quite cold and all.

He then held your sushi rolled body close to him while he continues work and you,in dreamland.


Do know that requests are always and forever open so, Comment away!

Utaites X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin