That x Reader! (Pt.2)

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(A/N: Lettuce continue from where we left off last time <3

From: Sasahara Shouta :3
To: (Y/n)
Subject: -
"Goodnight, and sweet dreams, (Y/n) chan!"

You smiled as you read the message, "goodnight, Shouta kun!" You replied and went to sleep.

----------------- --------- -----------

Your alarm rang early in the morning and you groggily woke up to shut the damn thing off and got ready to get to work.

Apparently, you had an inspiration and the sudden urge to pen it down last night that you only slept for like 3 hours and now you're just dead tired and didn't really want to go work but still had to since you have a presentation today.

So, dragging your feet, putting up your hair in a nice hairstyle, wearing (insert nice clothes options here) and light makeup, you headed for work, but of course, dropping by Starbucks to get some morning coffee before you pass out during the presentation.

- Insert timeskip here-

"-and that ends my presentation. Thank you for your kind cooperation" you bowed a little and tooked your laptop and went back to your seat to sit through other presentations.

"Hgnnnnn" you stretched and yawned once the meeting was over. Some of your co-workers then asked you out for lunch since all your work for today was the presentation and all thats left was to await the results from the higher ups.

You worked as a full time illustrator and it was tiring. Thank God your clients and the company you worked for were all very kind and understanding people, so you really enjoy your work!

Remember how those kids in school used to say that design was an easy course, well they know nothing. Being an illustrator meant to that you had the chance to design many things for big companies and famous people and it was a very very energy draining field of work.

That night, as you went home, took a warm bath then ate dinner and what not, you recieved a call from your higher ups.

"(Last name) san, your idea has been choosen!! The CEO of *insert some big company name* would like to discuss the details with you over dinner this Sunday, the details on this should be emailed to you already, good luck!! This is a very rare opportunity to work for (that big company)! I wish you best of luck!!"

Then he/she hung up.

'This Sunday.... I need to cancel our meet up... why do i suddenly feel so... sad about it?'

You ignored your thoughts and called Shouta, "(y/n) chan? Whats up?!" You heard his cheerful voice on the other side of the line.

"Um...about sunday... I can't have dinner with you due to work..sorry... B-but we can still go for lunch and hang out until my meeting!"

You explained.

"Eh... Oh... I see.."

You could hear his voice almost as if it was dropping, then he spoke up again.

"That's alright! We'll just have to have as much fun until your meeting then!" His voice suddenly became cheerful again and you unknowing smiled.

"Mm!" You nodded cheerfully. "Pick you up at 8?" He asked to which you excitedly said "sure!"
"Alrighty then! See you!"

The called ended and you held your phone tightly to your chest and internally screamed in excitement and you litterally jumped onto your bed and laid there.

'It'll be perfect!' You smiled and eventually drifted to sleep.

As the rest of the week progressed, you were very excited for your date, just as the wprd 'date' crossed your mind, you blushed slightly and shook your head, trying to erase the thought, then sunk unto the table while your notebook landed on your head. 'Uuuuu'
You're lucky your coworkers were too busy to even realise your little moment there.

You picked yourself up and continued with your concept works and doing up the neccesary documents.

The days flew by, your documents sorted and was going through the final checking and editing phase, which was the most boring part, but thinking that your special day was drawing near, your energy quickly returned.

Almost as if time was an express way, the weekends have arrived! You spent the Saturday trying to figure out what to wear for Sunday. It had to be something classy, not too casual, not too formal and it had to look professional since you won't have the luxuary of returning home to change.

You finally picked out a/an (f/c) dress, and a jacket/cardigan to go with it for the meeting, since it was in a high class restaurant they have dresscodes!
[Of course they do😒 high class people😒]

Glancing at the clock, it was already lunch time and you have Nana waiting for you for lunch. You quickly wore a simple, casual outfit, took your phone, charger and wallet, stuffed them into a nice bag and left.

Once you reached the meetup location, Nana was tapping her feet impatiently and you got lectured a tiny bit for being like half an hour late.

"I'm so sorry Nana  o(iДi)o I promise it was accidental, i just missed the time thats all ><" Nana gave you the "you gotta be kidding me right😐" face and just sighed. "You're buying me a drink."

You both then went in the cafe and had a great lunch. "So tell me, what kept you? Oh wait!! Don't tell, it's Shouta-san isn't it <(• ̀ω•́ )<"

Your cheeks dusted pink as she hit the mark, "I knew it! You must be excited for tommorow aren't ya! Be careful and do anything stupid alright!"

"W-what do you mean stupid (/ >△<)/"

"No~thing~ヾ(o◕ω ◕)ノ"

You pouted but laughed it off anyway. Lunch went by in a flash, you both laughed, chatted, and went shopping, then you glanced at your watch, it was already 5pm.

"It's already this late? I had so much fun today as always! I gotta head back to do some checks on the documents and get into bed early."

"Haha! Good luck!" You both hugged and parted ways to go home.

Oki doki! I'll end this part here before this drags on tooooooo long😂

I know, this is like filler chapter becuz idk😂
Anywayz, i'll end this in the next part😂

Hope you enjoyed!!

P.s. Idk what Nana's character should be like, i have no idea if i made it a bit weird but who cares😂

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