Camp Fire

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*Maria's P.O.V*
Later that evening.

I took a quick shower after i was left to do all the cooking and baking while the boys played ball as i  prepared for the families and friends Devin invited over for Dinner and A camp fire .. I threw on a black and white plad shirt dress with black flats that had a cute bow on it.. And i did two braids in my hair with a bang in the front and pulled on some bracelets to complete my outfit, after i was done i sprayed on some of my perfume applied red lipstick to make my lips pop and black liquid eyeliner to make my eyes stand out.
I went downstairs to the balcony to finish setting up the table for meals but first i stopped by the kitchen to take out some more snacks and sweets that i  know the boys lovee and went outside onto the balcony, the guys were fresh and all changed looking sharp in their muscle shirts and shorts.
"Yummyyy" kevin and Daniel said as i brought them a bag of SOUR PATCHES ,they were setting up woods/coal for the camp fire in the little area that was built in for camp fires and setting the cusion chairs around it .. I fixed up the table which had marshmallows ,drinks and wine/champagne bottles in a bowl of ice to keep them cold, plates of food and pastries that i made while the guys played basketball outside and Devin's cooking Grill was set up prepared to make grilled steaks to go along with the rest of food for dinner ... the sudden rush of cool breeze that blew by us felt refreshing as i inhaled the sweet smell of nature listening to the birds singing, i leaned onto the rail looking out at the sun that rested above the mountain peaks and the forest trees that adorned the further lands.. 
"They have arrived," Devin notified us as he come out onto the balcony "Heyy" i walked over to greet Mama Shana,Jazzy,Alexis every one who came with a warm hug, they all looked beautiful ... "Hello, im Maria" i greeted the beautiful blonde with amazing green sparkling eyes in a tiger pattern body bra and white high waist shorts with black pumps "Hey, im Sharie-Marie but just call me Sharie ,I'm Kevin's sister.. I love your outfit and your accent.." she complimented me "Thank you, i still have the French touch" she smiled "Oh your french" she replied "Yeah" i said "Amazing" she smiled and went over to the guys and then Kennet came pushing a wheel chair with a beautiful female seated on it, her eyes were bright and her smile light up my world "this is Devin's Girlfriend Maria" Kennet introduced us "Hii" i hugged her "Hey im Mariah" she smiled at me holding onto my hand"I know  the paparazzi might be a bit crazy Don't pay them any mind.. Don't worry about Chloe just stay positive because people are always gonna talk, always going to want to be in your buisness you know.. Just do you.. And enjoy your life.. Your with Devin which makes you family now, so we have your back" the way she spoke motivated me and really lightened my heart "awww thank you" i said before she was strolled away, i looked behind to see in surprise my bestie Dimitry i ran and hopped up onto her hugging and giving her lots of kisses i missed her "Bestieeee" she squeeled "y'all need to invite me out more often.. Cause having the house to myself was the bomb!Damn Maria you look Hott! Aye i want that lipstick its popping!" She pulled out her phone "SELFIE!" she snapped a picture of the both of us "i made a remake of 7/11 by Beyonce at the house gurll i was on firrre!" She showed me a video as we strolled over to the cusion chairs where everyone was around the area where the camp fire was going to be "Sharie where's mom and grandma" Kevin asked "They going to the club" she responded laughing... Their grandma must be lit if she heading to the club.. Devin lit the grill and him a kennet were ready to grill up some steaks.. We girls sat down talking about fashion and the latest celebrity news and watching the beautiful sunset while the guys were around the grill  it seems everyone has already met Dimitry so everything went smoothly.. . And kevin was playing R&B music from Devins laptop  (Closer by the bomb digz) and everyone was having a good time so far.. Eating cupcakes for appetizer while the stakes where being prepared..       
   "Mmm this is delicious.."Mama shana said taking a bite of hee red velvet cupcake and everyone agreed "you made these?"Alexis asked "yes i did"
"Wow! Your good!"Sharie commented as Kennet came over to us "Ladies... Steaks are ready"he notified us and we got up to grab a plate and get some food.  The time was dark but we  weren't ready to start up the fire just yet, so we turned on the lights, Devin sat right beside me and i fed him a piece of my baked butter biscuit and a camera light flashed as i did it, Mama Shana smiled cause she took the pic and then she started snapping pics of everyone eating and posing with thier food..which was AMAZING!!
I got up and went for the glass cups and Devin brought the wine and Champagne cause not everyone drinks.. Especially my new lil sis Jazzy, whose not allowed to, but could handle the grape Non-alchoholic champagne .. "Cheers to This Lovely evening and the beautiful lady Maria"Kennet shouted and everyone raised their full glasses and Devin placed a warm kiss on my cheek wraping his arm around my waist staring back at me as i blushed and then he surprised me with anothed kiss but this one was on my lips.. His lips ... I could never get tired of them "awww" Sharie,Dimitry and Alexis awed as our lips parted away from each other..

    After eating we sat their a few minutes to make our meal digest and then the lights went out and the fire flame was lit.. We sat around the fire talking and  telling stories until Mama Shana went for the bag of marshmallows and sticks to put them onto and we melted our marshmllows to top off the camp fire   .....Kennet went out  to his bus and returned with a guitar so you know its time for songs.. Devin whispered to Alexis and Sharie and Alexis whispered to Kennet who had the guitar in his hand seated and he began  to play it then a beautiful voice started to harmonize i looked across to see it was Alexis her voice was like an angel and then Sharie joined in harmonizing the beggining of a  song that sounded very very familiar then Devin directed my eyes towards him "Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like there not shining,her hair , her hair falls perfectly without her trying she's so beautiful" Devin started to sing Just the way you are by Bruno Marz such a old aong but it was sweet "And i tell her everydayyy" they all harmonized and then everyone began singing the song then they added a little twist to it like a remix and Alexis started to sing "Four five seconds" by Rihana and she sounded perfect song.. After.. Song.  After song we sang for hours and it was magical.. Daniel started making beats and we started to harmonize and hold hands singing around the burning flame.. This setting was picture perfect as the stars twinkled in the dark sky i couldn't wish for anything better... But sadly it had to come to an end because it was patsf midnight and the flame was getting dim and everyone was ready to depart  . "Honey when you going back home??.. You cant hide out here forever "I overheard Mama Shana asking Devin "2 or so days just want the paparazzi to back off the house you know.." He answered and she hugged him tight kissing him on the forehead "be safe"she stated and he accompanied her to the door i gave everyone their good bye hugs and Dimitry didn't wanna let go cause she is leaving tomorrow so i won't see her when we headed back to the house so i wished her a safe journey and told her I'd probably be back soon cause I've been considering the fact that im living with a guy who I'm not married to.. Feel like I'm invading ..she tried to snap me out of the shit i was saying but it was just my opinion... She hugged me once again and i watched everyone climb aboard their vehicles and left.. Devin Lifted me up "ooo,-i giggled - we have alot of mess to clean up!"i said looking down at him as he lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist "we can do that tomorrow"he said kissing me closing the door behind us then bringing me upstairs.. Ohh lord.. I know what's about to go down ...

#Updating soon

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