Lay Me Down

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And ill lay by your side next to you... You... And make sure your all right... Ill take care of you..

   I stood staring through the window from our room and then down onto my engagement ring , the diamond rock inside glistened as a single tear drop fell right onto it.. "And I'll lay by your side, next to you..."
I harmonized to myslef drying my tear drops from eyes, holding my hand close to my heart...
      The sudden warmth of Devin's hands on my shoulders took over my body "baby... What's wrong?!" He asked concerned and he sounded a bit worried.. "Only.. If... I could bring them back," i struggled to speak Devin ran both his thumbs over my  cheeks drying each tear, gently lifting my head up so he could look directly into my watery eyes... Slowly pulling my head onto his chest hugging me tight... The sound of his heart beat increased against my ear drum... "Talk to me baby.. What's wrong.??." I walked away and over to the bed climbing into the center of it folding my legs and placing my head into my hands and Devin came and sat face to face infront of me  ..






   .... July 4, 2015.... i remember it clearly.... Me,my parents and my little sister April ,were heading up  to the camp house for the holiday and i just couldn't keep my calm..i didn't want to be there i rather hang out with Dimitry whole weekend than going on a road trip..the rain was pouring, they kept singing the same annoying songs over and over again and i just wanted to block them out so i placed my Beats over my ears and turned the volume up to the max. Then somehow through the music i heard my father calling my name... wanting me to sing along and right at that moment.. Staring up into my fathers eyes who looked around to call me... a loud outcry from my mother followed by loud horns of a trailor truck that was in our lane heading straight into us! world froze.... Flashing lights then sudden darkness...

I laid still on the cold,hard gravel ground , my hands fixed by my side , my fingers numb, my legs were dead.... The pain in my head was dreadful...slowly My eyes peeled open and all i could see was the blury overcast sky above me.. it pained to turn my neck it felt as if it was about to break my eyes directed over to the car that was underneath the overturned trailer truck whose wheels tore the Car in two my heart stoped "mom! Dad....... April!" My mind flashed on them and i was too numb to get up.. The sound of the ambulances,fire trucks & police cars approaching caught my attention and i looked over to the direction they came from and people jumped out from the back and a man & a woman came immediately over to me,my vision was a little blury but i could make out their figures.."Honey..can you hear me..?" She questioned as the man behind her searched through the first aid kit "flashlight!?" She demanded from him and suddenly the bright light from the flashlight shined across both of my eyes... "She's bleeding," the man blurted "where?" She asked and he pointed over to my left leg  "get help we need to get her to the hospital now!" He called for help and they came with the thing to lift me up and carry me into the ambulance ..."where's mom! Dad! April!?" I thought but i tried to speak but it was impossible! My eyes wondered over to the car where i saw the firemen dragging a body out of  the Car.. But my slightly blured vision prevented me from identifing who it was..... I was lifted up into the ambulance and the sudden jerk in my body send a harsh pain through my leg.... "I'm here for you.. Your gonna be okay.." She asured me and then a mask was placed over my nostrils  and i took a few breaths before everything went blank....

'Beep..beep..beep..beep' the sound of the machine beside me awakened me... "Where-Where am i..?" I could finally speak but it came out as a whisper , her cold hand landed on mine "your in the hospital..don't worry... You'll be okay..." Her soft voice responded "who are you!?" I questioned as my eyes wondered around the dim room " nurse Blake"
"Where's my mom and dad! And my sister!? I want them where are they!?" I demanded to know... The room door cracked open and a  elderly man who seemed to be the doctor approached the bed "ahh she's awake.." He sated walking over to me.. "How are you feeling Maria? " he asked..
"Confused" i responded "i'm Doc.Williams... Im just gonna ask you a few questions... I'm gonna feel and describe on a scale of 1 to 10 how much pain you feel.. Alright?" He handed the note book to nurse Blake who was going to write my responses...
He squeezed various parts of my body..

Body part    intensity
Shoulder            9
Elbow joint        0
Wrist                   8
Waist/stomach   5
Leg (left)             10
Knee    ""             10
Ankle   ""             10
Leg (right)            8
Knee ""                  7
Ankle ""                 9

"Get her some pain killers.... And put her on drip , she is lacking alot of blood okay nurse" he took the note book from her "i need to talk to you... About her parents" he whispered to her but i heard him"MY PARENTS WHERE ARE THEY!? "i demanded to know... He looked over to the nurse hopelessly and she shaked her head not to tell me "I WANT TO KNOW!" I yelled "i.... I'm sorry.. But..." He started , i already knew what he was about say So i cut him off , it felt as if all the pain in my leg moved to my heart... I bit my lip keeping back my tears ..i turned my head away trying to contain myself "what about April, April Rose!? My little sister..??" I asked and the cold tear drops ran down  my cheek "she's in surgery.... "He replied "is she okay?" He remained silent ... "We can only hope.." Hope! That word had a stir in my heart.. He reminded the nurse about my pills before he left us in the room ..she tried to apologize to me and give me faith but i was too hurt to give a f**k about anything she said.....
*flashback over*

"After a few the isolation of that hospital room ... My only little sister didn't make it.... My parents are both gone i had no one... Dimitri's parents came for me  and took me in with them..... And now I'm engaged. And the only family i have apart from Dimitry didn't live to see it...i miss them... Only if i could bring them back" i said to Devin looking down at my ring.

*Devin's P.O.V*
I sat there infront of her listening keenly to every word she said.... It was like i was there... I could feel her pain as i could hear it in her voice.... I recall Dimitrty mentioning something to me back in the past saying that it's up to Maria to tell me... And i guess this is it.... I didn't know she went through so much... But right now im happier and more grearful to have her apart of my life... She looked down onto her engagement ring... And i just wanted to hold her tight.. Just let her know I'm sorry that im here for her... That i love her! And i did exactly so.. I pulled her into a warm hug and she cried on my shoulders. "I love you" i said to her as i got emotional too...

Desires of The Heart:Devin GordonWhere stories live. Discover now