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~Maria's P.O.V

*beep beep* Devin's phone notifications was going off the chain!
" me gusta Estoy aquí (I enjoyed being here)"
I pronounced each word so that mama Shana could get it ,
After which  She repeated .
Devin's phone vibrated , my eyes dazed onto his phone screen, he grabbed his phone in haste scrolling endlessly to find a notification he saw
"¡Muy bien ! " I commended her for her accuracy in pronunciation as I keenly guided my attention to Devin's interest in a notification he just glimpsed.
"Thanks Maria," she hugged me tightly .
" so boys... " she directed her attention to The Bomb Digz who were seated lazily  , scanning their phone screens.
"Is this Chloe scandal thing under control??" she asked,
"Yup!" Daniel answered jumping up out of his seat ,stretching his arms
Kevin raised and  rested his feet on top of a small table and Devin was still scrolling to find his destiny.
"Good." She exhaled
The pounding pain still continued in my head
"Uhhh" I groaned pulling myself up off of the chair and went  to the restroom which was right down the hallway .
  Upon return I started to have some really intense tummy aches,
'must have been from the Dunkin' Donuts
' I thought to myself .
I  strolled back into the studio ,  the boys were no longer seated but they were all  in the recording room each positioned at their own microphone. Mama Shana went over to Producer all star , that's Devin's father and stood there talking to him as the boys were goofing around in the room. Daniel making a musical.ly and Devin and Kevin taking pics.
"Aite boys" Producer All star talked into the mic filling the room with his echo.
"Run the track" Kevin said , and the track started to play they were doing a cover to ' 1 of 1 - Tyga '

The boys sang their hearts out , everything was on point, everything was pitch perfect, Devin glanced over at me a few times pointing in my direction as if he was singing to me. I blew him a kiss before my phone rang, it was Dimitry. I exited the room to answer her call.
"Maria!!! Have you seen all the drama about Devin and Chloe." She blurted
"Yes, Dimitry .." I groaned,
" so.. Is he the father?" She asked concerned,
"Nope ! None of them are." I stated
" what!? HA! Super Thot alert!!" She joked

"So are you okay baby girl? Haven't heard from you since you said you felt ill a few days ago.. Feeling better?" She inquired as I groaned leaning up against the wall and placing my head against its flat cold surface.
" you still don't sound so well, have you seen the doctor..?"
"Somewhat ..."
"Anddddd!? " Dimitry exaggerated,
"She says I MIGHTTTTT be pregnant .." I stated , Dimitry squealed in excitement , but I stood silently rolling my eyes
"Are you ?" She muffled into the phone
" no , I'm not! Well... I don't think I am, we always use protection."
"Alwayss ?" She repeated knowing that I was lying
" well, sometimes we get a bit carried away... ugh Dimitry! I'm not pregnant! Out of all people I would know! " I confessed.
"What if you don't know!? What if you are!?" She bombarded me with questions,
"No! My period is suppose to come next week and it will...  I don't want to have a baby" I weeped.
"Maria ... What's wrong?" She questioned with concern  in her voice .
"I just can't " I groaned
"Why not!? Devin would be a great father .. not to mention he's well You're filthy rich so you can afford plus I'd be an awesome Aunty ," Dimitry giggled.
I sighed as a striking pain lashed in my head causing me to gently rub my forehead aiming to ease the pain.
"I'll call you later ok ?!" I said before ending the call.
I crawled back into the room and waited for them to finish recording a few tracks for their upcoming album . I placed my aching head in my lap and closed my eyes for a bit..
"Maria are you okay in there?" My mother asked, slightly knocking on the bathroom door.
"I'll be out soon" I responded with a perky tone as if everything was okay but it wasn't ...not one bit !
I sat on the toilet seat starring at the pregnancy test in front of me ,
"Positive" I mumbled ,
I ran my trembling sweaty fingers through my hair as the tears built up in my eyes .
'What am I going to do ????!!' I thought to myself.
I wrestled around in my school bag pack searching for my phone . When I finally got grip of my phone I pulled it out and hurried to enter my passcode , I felt tense , worried, almost out of my mind , my world was falling apart .
"Fuck fuck fuck!!!" I groaned loudly as I dialed Josh's number,
"You've reached the voicemail box of -" I aborted the call
"SHIT!" I yelled furiously while re-dialing Josh's number and once more I was directed to his voicemail ...
I sat still , grasping my phone tightly in my moist palms , my legs danced as they were unable to remain calm... my parents are going to kill me , I'm going to drop out of school , people are going to hate me , my life's over. All these negative thoughts ate up my mind .

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