Desires Of The Heart: Book 2

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~Omniscient P.O.V~
11 pm
"Push!" "push!"  the doctor  said as I  tried to muster up enough energy to finally get this child out and all this over with. Next to me was a beautiful short African-American nurse with brunette permed hair and bold brown eyes who held onto my hand guiding me through step by step.
"Honey I know your in pain, and I know your panicking but you need to push as hard as you can , you're the only hope  for this baby "
"I can't .." I groaned in pain , biting down on my teeth .
"You can, I'm here for you , now on the count of three , I want you to push as hard as you can " I gripped tightly onto her hand groaning and screaming in pain
"1........ 2......" she paused allowing me to catch my breath 
"3!!" then in one big push , I could feel the walls of my vagina tearing apart, and the body forcing its way through my passage the head was out and with a second push the baby twisted, sliding the rest of its body out . "Thank God" I  breathed as I weakly fell back on the bed before falling into a much needed sleep.
*2 hours later*
  My eyes peeled open revealing a world full of blur which cleared apart  in seconds , the left of my cranium (head) ached leaving my brain numb, slowly, I  sat upright in my hospital bed and my eyes darted over to the incubator beside my  bed

 *2 hours later*   My eyes peeled open revealing a world full of blur which cleared apart  in seconds , the left of my cranium (head) ached leaving my brain numb, slowly, I  sat upright in my hospital bed and my eyes darted over to the incubator b...

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"Where's my baby?"  I asked curiously when I realized that the doctor and nurses  were still in the room communicating.  Seeing that none of them were answering,  I screamed in fury
"Where's my fucking BABY?!"I  mustered up all I  had inside me . The anger I  had did not cease when the tall dark female doctor with pitiful eyes, reached and clasped my left hand in her's . The sound of my increasing heartbeat pounded in my chest , I  could feel that something was wrong .. " I know you might be worried right now, but I want you to know your not the first person to go through this .." The doctor said rubbing her thumb over the back of my palm.
" Where's my baby!?" I growled
"there was an accident and the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around the baby's neck , restricting respiration and by the time we got the cord loose ... " she (the doctor) paused ..
I knew what she was about to say, I didn't want to hear any further..
" I want my baby.." I demanded..
"Mam I wouldn't advise for u to see your child in such condition.."
"It's my child..let me see my baby"
"Mam.." She hesitated to get me my baby
"Get me my motherfucking child!!!! I want my baby!!!" I weeped ,
the doctor looked back at the nurse who stood attentively at the doorway who  disappeared shortly After. I laid with weakened limbs and a broken heart crying my eyes out as the door creaked open and the nurse returned with my baby .
   Wrapped neatly in a white cotton blanket , I ran my thumb over my baby's Apple cheek , skin cold as ice and pale in pigment, i held the corpse carefully in my arms , Only if a mothers breath of air could bring her child back to life . Slowly I unwrapped the blanket revealing  the bare body and also it's gender... "You had a lovely baby boy Mam, I'm very sorry this happened, you'll get through this, we'll recommend you to a therapist here at the hospital, it'll help you handle whatever your feeling right now.." The nurse encouraged ,
"No one knows what I'm feeling!" I lashed back , leading our convo into deep silence
"What were you going to name him?" The nurse questioned breaking the awkward silence.
"DJ... *i paused.  Taking a deep breath as a tear drop from my eyes landed right on his cheek*Devin Junior" this was excruciating and heart breaking as fuck.
I hugged him tightly crying asking God "why?? Why me??"
"Would you like me to call the father?" She asked
"There is no- I Paused- yes, yes please" when my water broke I kept calling Devin getting no answer what so ever...
I gave her the number I knew and she exited the room to make the call.

Desires of The Heart:Devin GordonWhere stories live. Discover now