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I finally concluded my work project as to where..when.. how.. and who..will be invited  to Drakes event  'luminosity' believe me its gonna be so damn lit! Nicki  Minaj,Chris brown,kid ink..I got so many more calls to make later on today... I sat there in my comfy chair with my hand on my apple cheek, feeling accomplished while i stared out through the widow pane watching the beautiful sunrise,suddenly he flashed across my mind.. His dreamy eyes... Pink cherry lips..his handsome warming smile.. I could still remember every detail about his face as he was just so perfect. My eyes began to close down as they were begging for rest.. I pulled off my shorts, climbed into my king sized bed and cuddled up with my favorite purple cotton comforter.

   His soft warm hands slipped into my panties as I laid down on my stomach,caressing and squeezing my firm fat ass.. He came up beside me as I stared across into his dreamy hazel-green eyes. He kept smiling enjoying the feeling of  giving me a butt rub,slightly spanking each butt cheek and rubbing them over and over again..Gently he placed soft ,warm kisses on my  blushed cheeks moving his way down to my neck...each kiss was ignite with sparks.. I rolled over and laid flat on my back opening my legs allowing him to crawl in between them with ease .. face to face,cheek to cheek my breathing started to increase from the heat of the moment , he ran his nose along my cheek and over to my ear  nibbling on my ear lobe sending chills all over my body..I could feel him breathing against my skin ,As he braced himself in between my weakened legs.. his stiff,  long, rod pressing against my entrance, restricted by his shorts...I could feel my wetness developing more as he slowly humped me . I ran my fingers through his hair as he sucked and bite on my neck,pulling my panties to the side stroking,rubbing and teasing my clit  with his thumb "uh" I released a very soft moan as  a sudden vibration ran through my body .."beg for it" he commanded with a smirk on his face.

"Wake up SLEEPY HEAD!!" Dimitry threw a pillow in my head waking me from my fantasy that felt so real , she hopped on beside me.. "well You look like you had a great dream.." she stated.. I giggled covering my face with both hands as I really was enjoying that dream about him..."Naa it was normal" I lied,"what time is it?" I questioned .."10:30" "WHAT!" I exclaimed jumping out of bed running into the bathroom brushing my teeth and freshening up.. "What's the Rush!? I heard Dimitry yell from the bed room "I have a meeting at 11:00 in Manhattan at this Fancy hotel - "Date?" She cut me off in the middle of my sentence -"No!.. Its just this old man who wants me to plan something for his charity  event.."I shouted in response. I struggled to pull my high waist black leather skirt over my big butt .. I exhaled in relief when I finally did.. pinning the wrist of my  white  long sleeve blouse with a low cut in the center,showing a little cleavage wont hurt.. i caught my hair in a ponytail added a white bow , did a light makeup (blushed my cheeks, lipstick,a little eye shadow a bit brighter than my complexion,eyebrows and eyelashes are naturally perfect.) I sat on my bed putting on my  Felicia- Black Nub-buck  heels,added a little accessories to enhance my appearance,professional look, i dropped on some diamond knob earrings and a gold -diamond locket necklace then  grabbed my  sophisticated Epi leather Louis  Vuitton handbag that had all that i needed to make it through my day.   I kissed my besties cheek before heading out to get myself a cab which took a while.. I am gonna be late!

*Manhattan-The Hotel*

On entering this Luxurious hotel in Manhattan , i immediately sensed its special intimate atmosphere,it was so beautiful,so magnificent , the  beautiful chandeliers glistened in the center of the room,each detail passionately chosen, the soft  piano music played in the background as i headed straight towards the front desk " La Rose." the male receptionist  with a British accent called my name as i approached closer, i was a bit surprised as he knew my name and who i was without any identification from me" yes, Good Morning" i responded in a calm appropriate tone of voice  reflecting a warm smile "We have been expecting you" he said with a welcoming smile -" Come with me" his hand gestured to the side telling me the direction to which we will be heading, i admired the surrounding  and its atmosphere as we journeyed to the Elevator, upon entering, the beautiful musical piece by  Ludwig Beethoven adorned my ears as each note was touching.. "top floor" he said, pressing the last number and up we went.

   As the doors of the elevator  parted  the beautiful vision of paradise was  in front of me.. rich white cushion chairs along with round  glass tables that had a vase of red roses fixed on each,a beautiful view overlooking Manhattan , a bar to my left the bar tender was working his magic ,everything was perfect ,beautiful ,well organized and unique "the receptionist directed me to one of the beautiful seating where on the table was a bottle of champagne and a glass of water along with two crystal glasses with ice. "Ms.La Rose, i'm sorry to notify you That Mr. Lenard wont be able to make it today, but, his grand son is delighted to meet you and conduct the meeting for the Charity and for the delay of his grandfather he has decided to do so over a wonderful afternoon lunch,he is on his way right about now."  He notified me, i looked at his golden name tag with his name carved in black italics "Thank you Dejaun" i said taking a seat on the soft,relaxing chair  as a sweep of cool breeze blew against  my skin.

     I stayed seated for a few minutes taking the time to arrange some documents into separate folders as i  was waiting for the arrival of this gentleman.. he still hasn't arrive as yet but as a business person I have to be patient.."Good Afternoon Ms.La Rose"  the familiar,handsome voice greeted me i looked up to see him once again.. the guy from Dunkin donuts Mr. caramel iced latte with six sugars, he was attired in a white collar shirt  with A black neck tie,and black pants and shoes looking sharp, charming and descent... i was speechless,i didn't expect  him  to be Mr. Lenard's grandson,my eyes sparked at the sight of his smile, he recognized me but he said nothing, he only kept smiling and i couldn't help but blush. he took a seat opposite of me giving me this mysterious stare,i didn't know what he was thinking but i guess he enjoyed staring.." you look lovely," he complimented me.. "why thank you" i replied shuffling the folders "lets get down to business" i stated " no lunch?' he questioned raising his eyebrow exactly the way he did at Dunkin "after.." i suggested "i didn't get your name.." i stated "Devin.. Devin Gordon" he placed out a hand for a hand shake believe me his hands were so soft just the way i imagined in my dream only thing it was better " Maria La Rose"i replied and he complimented me on how beautiful my name was.

   We took about two hours to fully plan out this Charity event for the central park  zoo to raise some money to take care of the animals.. he was being very flirty,charming and sweet ,it took alot to get him back on track with the main point of the meeting most times.. but he really made me smile...he was also very funny .By now it was too late for lunch so i concluded the meeting closing my notepad .."tell Mr.Lenard i will see him next week Tuesday  for the charity  meet." i got up slowly out of the chair packing my handbag " I will, but you forgot lunch.." he reminded me, i looked down at my phone for the time .."hmmm, its a bit too late for that right  now don't you think.."  i grabbed my handbag prepared to leave he grabbed onto my palm as i turned to walk away  "what about Dinner,tonight.. at eight?" he invited me out for dinner, i was a bit nervous as i  would love to, but, it been a while since my last date i don't think i could make it through so i came up with a sensible excuse "i don't  date clients" i blurted "who said it was a date and i'm not your client my grandfather is " he had a quick comeback answer.. i felt embarrassed  but i still kept my smile "well okay then Mr.Gordon 8 it is"  i responded to his invite with a smile he gently released his grip of my palms ,i gave him my card with my number and address "ill see you later" i said, modeling off  and into the opened elevator watching him as he observed my card with a priceless smile as the elevator doors closed in front of me.

Desires of The Heart:Devin GordonWhere stories live. Discover now