A World Like No Other

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Its time for us to head out to the dance studio for TBD'S Rehearsal for their performance tonight.. I have to admit.. For a old man, Hitler has alot of swag based on all that he has bought for me to wear... I caught my hair in a ponytail , i wore a black and red drop crotch pants, black crop top with PINK written in white, a red leather biker glove to cover the bandage for my wound and a pair of Red Adidas ....Devin wore all black along with his Red Adidas matching mine...looking all fine and yummy. We headed out the house and to the car so we could head over to the studio in time, but we had to stop by Dunkin Donuts to pick up some Donuts first... But when we went to dunkin something crazy happened...

*Dunkins Parking lot*

We drove up into the parking lot and parked .. As we exited the car together approaching Dunkin a group of people rushed onto us .. Reporters,interviewers, priest they all appeared out of no where...

"Devin! Are you Chloe's baby father!?"
"Devin! Where you involved in the rape!!" One reporter yelled from the back of the crowd "Are you the father!!? Did you leak the video!? Who is the father!?" They kept pushing and forcing themselves onto us, the blinding lights from their cameras flashed bright in our eyes.. They kept pushing microphones and recorders infront of our faces demanding answers ..they all blocked The entrance to Dunkin donuts we had to head back to the car which was hard for us to get back into, Devin Wrapped his arms around me to protect me from the embrace of the crowd ...
They turned away from Devin and onto me "how do you feel about Chloe!? Are you apart of the black mail!? Are you sleeping with Devin!? Do you think Devin raped chloe?! Do you believe-" their voices chorused together as they kept yelling for answers it was almost impossible to hear myself think.. When we finally got back into the car they kept flashing their camera lights into the car, jumping onto the car, yelling through the glasses demanding answers to their questions.. Devin started the car blowing the horns for them to clear the way but they wouldn't move... Devin pressed the gas 'No Fucks Given' and drove off people dived out of the path as we exited the parking lot.. I exhaled and leaned back into the seat looking over at Devin who was a bit tense... By the look on his face you could tell he was upset.. He sat there silent... grieved...
*Devins Phone Rang*
Kevin :Yo Bro! You need to get here like Right Now!

*Devin hung up the phone*

Changing the gear in the car he speed up around the corner block to head to the dance studio "Devin! Slow down!" I yelled as he was putting out all his anger into the gas pedal almost killed us both.. He calmed down but was still speeding. In a few minutes we arrived the dance studio where we had to enter through the back door... Kevin and Daniel sat on the floor in the corner of the room Daniel looking hopeless shaking his head looking all worried.."Yo Did you see that shit!?" Devin blurted , kevin slid his phone across the surface of the floor and to the peak of Devin's feet , Devin grabbed the phone off the ground, headline news 'Whose the Baby Daddy!?'

Kevin:"your not the only one who is wrapped up in this Shit! " Kevins eyes darted directly at me and i looked away immediately so as to avoid eye contact... Bursting through the door was their Co-Manager Kennet and Mama Shana "Boys the show is cancelled for tonight" she notified them "w-what!?" They stuttered "Mom! the show can not be Cancelled!" Devin complained "I'm sorry boys but all this Drama isn't going well, Karl is hesitant towards priest and reporters being in his building and he doesn't know if gall would still want to keep the show and Digaz are ranging about the situation, Digaz are curious and upset about this pregnancy scandal" she said walking over to the corner of the room taking a seat, crossing her legs and folding your arms "y'all need to tell me what's going on?" She demanded.."ugh this is so not legitness" Devin groaned walking over and connecting his fist into the brick wall leaving the room in silence, everyone left thinking.... "Mom, call Karl(the owner for the place they were going to perform at tonight) tell him the show is still on! If they want answers.. They'll get answers" Devin walked out i front of the glass mirrors standing in his position staring at his refection in the mirror licking his bottom lips while kevin and Daniel fell in line "You make it Look like its magic!" Devin began singing with his whole heart, the vibe went from 0-100 real quick.. It was just like they were performing and you could see the joy they had right now its like all the negative vibe went away as they started singing...They switched places ,danced patted each other as they crossed each others path i admired every single thing they were doing right now i even did a few of their moves from where i stood.while the guys were singing and dancing Mama Shana and Kennet were on the phone putting the show back on... Were gonna have a ruff show tonight. "The show is back on" Mama Shana rejoiced and so did the guys turning up some more "ONE TWO THREE!" THEY jumped out of there positions singing get used to this and i sang along but Mama Shana pulled me aside for a quick moment..

"Maria... Are you sure.. Your ready for this...?? Tonight might not go down as pretty because of this scandal and if Chloe is gonna take TBD down she is gonna take you down also!" She said i looked behind me to see Devin smiling and dancing lifting up his shirt and he was so happy ... I wanna be there to see him this happy all the while.. I directed my attention back to Mama Shana.. "Once a Diga always a Diga.. Im ready for whatever ;" i assured her and she drew me into a hug "Come on.. I need your help to ensure everything will be ready for tonight!" She invited me with her.. "Boys! we'll be back soon" Mama Shana shouted.. "Bae you leaving?" Devin responded "She"ll be safe with Mama Gord. Don't worry" Mama Shana said wrapping her arms around me as we exited the room..

Desires of The Heart:Devin GordonWhere stories live. Discover now