More Than Gold

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Book One.

Golden "Goldie" Banks life was anything but easy but she managed to survive. After escaping an abusive relationship and being pushed away from her family Golden found herself pregnant and all alone in Miami.

That was four years ago, now she has her four-year old daughter that keeps her going everyday. In order to provide she turns to stripping and becomes one of the biggest strippers at one of Miami's hottest strip clubs, K.O.D.  She eventually meets Jayceon Carter, a well known business man in Miami. They instantly hit it off and everything seems to be looking up but what's life without a little drama?

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Text Copyright © 2016 jupiterscript™

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Contains explicit language and sexual/mature content

I accept constructive criticism, but I will not accept blatant disrespect. Not even going to argue with anyone, I'll just report and mute. Also I don't want to see people attacking other readers for no reason. There is a way to have a discussion without being ignorant and rude.



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