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"Oh when it all, it all falls down

I'm telling you oh, it all falls down

Oh when it all, it all falls down

I'm telling you oh, it all falls down"


"Trey told me what happened" Shae said as I braided Kaelin's hair. She was listening to the Frozen soundtrack on my phone so I knew she couldn't hear my conversation. We were currently in Jay's living room. I didn't feel like going back home. I was planning on finding a new place and not going back to that one at all.

"I didn't kiss back, I was shocked. That's like getting kissed by a brother or some family member" I explained with a look of disgust. I was still shocked that Trey did because he was like a brother to me.

"I know, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at him. When we argue he just leaves and avoids everything. So next time he's mad, is he going to mess with some random because he was in the moment" she frowned.

"I hope he and Jay make up, Jay looked ready to kill him" I shook my head.

"Jayceon was there?" She asked picking up the remote to find something to watch.

"Yeah and the same night somebody broke in" I revealed. Things had been so crazy in both our lives that I hadn't had a chance to tell her all that had been going on.

"What? Are you good? Did they take anything?" She asked.

"No whoever it was, was in Kaelin's room with her and told her that they would put Jayceon to sleep forever" I mumbled still creeped out from the comment. Even when I went out now, I felt as though someone was watching me and waiting.

"What type of shit is that? Was it Ka'ron, is he still mad?" she asked.

"No, I just found out he checked himself into a mental health camp. He's states away and hasn't had any contact with anyone outside of it"

"I would rather it be him than some unknown person. When did everything start becoming so crazy?" She shook her head.

"I don't know" I sighed finishing off Kaelin's last braid with a rubber band.

"I'm not even in your situation and I feel like I need a drink" Shae laughed.

"I was thinking about sending Kae to stay with your parents. I told them what was going on and they insisted I bring her"

"Then bring her, you know my mom works from home so she's always alone"

"I might drive her up there and let her stay there until things here calm down" I said. A part of me wanted to send her away and another part of me wanted her to stay with me where I could see her.

I nodded and gave Kae a pat signaling for her to get up. She stood up and ran to another couch and laid down without taking her eyes off my phone. I turned my head hearing the front door open and close and saw Jay walk in.

"Y'all niggas taking over" he joked referring to our little slumber party set up in the living room.

"Mhmm" I smiled getting up and following him to the kitchen.

"Why you following me?" He asked picking me up and setting me on the cold as counter.

"Because I can" I smiled kissing his lips.

"Ewww mommy, your lip going to fall off" Kaelin said standing in the kitchen.

"My lip is not going to fall off" I chuckled.

More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now