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"Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday"


"Happy Birthday baby girl, you're five today" I smiled walking into the hospital room with flowers and balloons in one hand and a small cake in the other.

"Thanks mommy, I don't hurt as bad as yesterday" smiled as she sat in her bed eating some breakfast"

I watched my mother get up from the couch in the room and rolled my eyes.

"Gold you know I just want what's best for you" she said quietly standing in front of me.

"You don't even know me, I raised myself while you were chasing love in all the wrong places. Now that you're married and have two step son you think you have a right to take my daughter that you've only talked to a few times" I scoffed.

"I was the best mother I could be to you"

"No the best mother wouldn't be here trying to take my daughter away from me. It's like you're mad your life was so bad and that I'm a better mother than you'll ever be" I said honestly.

"I should smack the hell out of you for speaking to me like that. I saw my granddaughter wasn't in the best living condition so I stepped in, she'll be surrounded by love, especially when this baby is born" she raised her voice.

"What condition? She wasn't suffering, she wasn't being abused or starved, she's surrounded by love. I don't have different men I barely know walking around my home" I said knowing I hit a nerve. She could go on and fool everyone with how she was acting now but she and I both know I'm doing better with Kaelin than she was.

"I had you young, I could barely take care of myself" I added trying to use that as an argument.

"You're sick in the head if you think your going to keep my daughter" I said as I walked around her and sat next to Kaelin.

"Mommy, she said I have to go with her. Do you not want me anymore?" Kaelin pouted.

"No Kaelin, I love you and I'm always going to want you but some things are going on and your going to be staying with her only for a little bit"

"You promise?" She asked sticking her pinky out.

"I promise baby, love you" I smiled hooking our pinky together and she kissed it.

"I love you too mommy"

"Do you wanna open any presents?" I asked trying to keep her mind off of all the negatives. Kaelin couldn't remember anything that happened, she only recalled telling out because her back was in pain. I didn't know who had a problem with me so bad they would hurt a child.

"I'm afraid that has to wait, she has to go do nerve therapy and treatment" her doctor said coming into the room. I stood up and looked at him.

"I thought you said she was fine" I said squinting my eyes at him.

"She is but she's also very young so we want to make sure everything is working properly"

More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now