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"They outside of the emergency room, room

You can feel my heart beat, beat, beat

If she gone pull through

We gone find out soon"


"Jayda, don't your best friend work with CPS?" I asked looking at her.

" Yeah why?" she asked eyeing me.

"Ask her to look into a case for me" I begged.

"She could lose her job Jay, if that's not her case"

"This is for Gold, somebody spreading lies trying to get Kaelin taken away from her" I explained.

"Who and she might not do it because she could get suspended or fired"

"And Gold could lose her daughter, imagine if that was Ada and Ava" I told her.

"Okay I'll speak to her for Gold but I can't force her" she said giving me a look.

"Thanks sis, knew you would be useful one day" I laughed before running off so she couldn't hit me.

I walked out her house and saw her husband was outside on the phone. He didn't hear me come out the house so I walked up slowly as he whispered.

"I'll see you tonight" he said before hanging up. He turned about and jumped back in surprise when he saw me.

"Who you seeing tonight? Thought you was trying to be family man now?" I questioned him.

"Uhh I got stuff for work I need to handle, I have to work to support my family"

"If I find out you stepping out on my sister again, I'ma fuck you up worse than I did last time" I told him before walking to my car and getting in. I drove off and made my way to my office. From my office I could monitor all my businesses on monitors so I didn't have to go to each one every day.


"Kae baby what happened?" I asked running into her room. She was screaming so loud with tears coming down her eyes. I felt helpless because I didn't know what to do so I just held her.

"My back" she bawled. I laid her down in her stomach and lifted her shirt. My eyes widened when I saw a huge burn mark covering her back. I quickly ran to her closet and grabbed her shoes. I walked out and shoved them on her feet before picking her up without touching her back and ran downstairs out the front door. After locking the door, I got in my car laying her down on her stomach. I moved close to a hospital so that was a plus. I drove as fast as I can to the hospital and pulled up to the emergency door. I grabbed Kae and ran inside yelling for help. Nurses rushed over and got her on a bed after I showed them her back.

"Ma'am is that your daughter?" A women asked after I was standing there for a few minutes.

"Yes her name is Kaelin Banks"

"I'm with social services, because of the severity of her injury, she cannot be released to you until you're deemed safe"

"I didn't do this to my daughter" I shouted hating that this was even a conversation.

"Okay I can try to help you but this doesn't look good. What happened, and lying would only set you back"

"I was home, gave Kaelin a bath because she made a mess with her finger paint. Then it time for nap so I put her in her bed and she fell asleep. A few hours later, I was heading upstairs to wake her up for dinner and she started screaming. I ran to her room and that's when I saw her back" I told her truthfully.

"Does anyone else live with you?"

"No, it's just me and her, I moved into a new place but everything is child proof. All the irons are put out of her reach. I feel like a bad mother because I don't know what happened to my daughter"

"Okay I've taken your statement, be prepared for CPS to be on your ass. Get a good lawyer because they are going to try and take her from you. I don't know you well but I believe you so I am going to try" she smiled a little. I thanked her before she walked off. I checked my pockets and pulled my phone out to call everyone.




More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now