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"And oh I never meant to cause you trouble

And oh and I never meant to do you wrong

And oh well if I ever caused you trouble

Oh no I never meant to do you harm"


"Mommy can I have pretzel please?" Kaelin begged poking her bottom lip out.

"You just ate, you're gonna make your tummy hurt baby" I told her making her frown and cross her arms. I rolled my eyes and continued walking through the mall with her. I had some things I needed to return and few things I needed to buy.

"Mommy I see your mommy" Kaelin pointed making me pop her hand lightly.

"Stop pointing at people" I warned before looking up and seeing my mom with two younger boys and an older man. I rolled my eyes guessing it was her new family.

"I'm sorry mommy" she said looking like she wanted to cry. This girl was so dramatic, I didn't even hit her hard.

"Just don't do it again Kae" I told her as I walked into Children's Place. Kaelin was starting school soon, my baby was turning five in a few weeks. and would be starting Kindergarten. I had bought Kaelin a few new pants to wear but she was so thick for a little girl she grew out of them. I don't know where she got her big thighs from but I was going to have smack some little boys when she got older.

"Oooh can I get another tutu" she asked excitedly running over to the different color tutus.

"No you have enough" I said grabbing her arm and walking over the where the cashier.

"Hi I wanted to return these or if they have her size just exchange them" I told the cashier searching my bag for the receipt.

"You can look around and see if you want to exchange and we can make the adjustments. You can just bring the things back up here when your done" she smiled as I walked away.

I had managed to find a bigger size in all of the pants for Kae and also picked up a few shirts. I walked back over to the cashier and she exchanged everything. As I was walking out with Kaelin, I saw my mom walking in with her hand on her stomach. I wondered why she was shopping here, she didn't live here.

"Golden" she said looking shocked to see me. The man she was with along with the two boys looked at me.

"Hi mom" I forced a smile looking at her. We left off on a sour note so I wasn't excited to see her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, which was funny seeing as though I was living here.

"I'm shopping, Kae is starting school school soon" I said.

"Well this is my husband Nathan and our sons Calvin and Sean" she said excited introducing us as if I cared.

"Nice to meet you guys" I smiled slightly irritated she didn't introduce me as her daughter. Now when she decides to start acting like a mother she does it with someone else's kids and from the looks of it she's pregnant. I looked around hating that we were standing outside of the store having this meeting.

"I'm pregnant Gold, isn't that great" she smiled.

"Fantastic congrats mom but I have to go, I'll see you around" I said before turning around to leave. She hadn't changed a bit, she was still like a big ass kid. She didn't even acknowledge Kaelin, her only grandchild. I knew I said I would try but I was so done with this lady.


I looked down at my phone and saw it was Golden calling. I decided to ignore it like I had been for the past couple of days. I was at the hospital with Shantanay, the baby was okay but they still wanted to monitor her because she fell on her stomach and she also had a concussion.

"Why you keep ignoring that girl?" I heard Shantanay laugh from beside.

"I'm focused on my child right now" I shrugged.

"I'm fine and the baby is fine, don't ignore her, I know how that shit feels" she shook her head.

"Look at you giving advice to me with another girl" I smirked. I was proud of Shantanay, she had matured and stop doing petty shit.

"I could tell she cares about you and has genuine love for you, just because things didn't work out between us doesn't mean I'm going to be bitter and plot on y'all"

"Thanks and just so we're clear, you and Candice are not speaking again. That bitch is crazy yo"

"Yeah I know, I didn't think she would do something like that"

"I never liked that bitch" she shook my head as there was a knock door at door. I stood up and opened the door revealing Golden standing there with a get well teddy bear and some baby clothes. I smiled stepping out the room and took the things from her setting the down the the bench.

"I'm sorry I came up here unannouc--" I cut her off by kissing her even grabbing a little booty.

"I love you and I'm sorry for ignoring you" I smiled pressing our foreheads together. I really did love Golden and everything about her. She was smart, funny, caring, understanding , bot to mention beautiful as hell. I could go on forever about her.

"You love me?" She asked with teary eyes.

"Yes and you don't have to repeat it, just know that I love you" I smiled kissing here again. We began making out in the hospital hallway. I heard someone clear there throat and pulled away to see the annoying ass nurse that has been trying to flirt with me since I got here. Of course her dumb ass would be the one to ruin the moment. I grabbed the things Golden got and brought them in the room before bringing her inside.

"Shantanay, Golden got you or I guess us some stuff" I smiled hoping they would get along.

"Thanks, you didn't have to" she smiled looking at the clothes.

"I know but I figured we should at least be cordial with eachother. Obviously you two are having a child together so your going to be around and I plan on being around for a long time." Golden smiled.

"I never said I'm sorry but I guess I am, I should have had respect for myself and left him alone when he was with you" Shantanay apologized.

"Yeah but he should have left you alone, he's the cheating ass one who owes me loyalty" Golden said giving me a look.

"Right he was a mess back in high school, you lucky you ain't have to deal"

"So y'all just gon talk about me like I ain't here?"

"Nigga who are you" they both said at the same time. What the hell just happened.


Whats good homies?

Whatchu think about, need some drama?

Golden's mama ain't shit

Y'all like Shantanay or nah?

More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now