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"Believe we had a great night

But I ain't the type to tell you that I miss you shit

You don't like that I make this easy, leaving after sexing on the floor

Baby, I know you need me, like I need you"


I laid in bed with Gold as we watched Love and Hip Hop. I didn't know why females watched shows like this. All these hoes did was argue and do petty shit.

I looked down at Golden and watched her as she argued with the TV as if they could hear her loud ass. She was cuddled up in my arms wearing these little as boy shorts and a tank top. I was lucky to have a girl like her in my life. She wasn't with me for money or anything like that. She was real and down to earth, she had goals and took care of hers. I wasn't in love with her yet but I had love her. I could see her being in my life for a long time if I don't fuck up.

"Whatchu staring at creep?" She laughed looking up at me.

"Ya ugly ass" I responded smacking her thighs. She rolled her eyes kicked my leg.

"I'm not ugly"

"Mhmm sure, so why you seemed mad when ya moms left?" I asked pulling her on top of me. She sat up straddling me as she contemplated what to say next.

"Its nothing, she just said somethings that set our relationship back..not that we had much of a relationship before" she shrugged as she played with my shirt.

"Why you playing, tell me what happened?"

"She made it seem like I was a bad mother having you around Kaelin and everything"

"Fuck she think I'm a pedophile? I would never do no shit like that" I said getting mad. Where the fuck her mom come from trying to put her two cents in.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is I know you, I trust you and I know you would never do anything like that" She assured me as she kissed my lips. I decided to let it go for now and kissed her back. If her mom came back around speaking reckless then I would have to say something.

"Stop thinking about it" she laughed pulling away from my lips and rolling off of me.

"I'm not, come here" I bit my lips pulling off her shirt.

"Kaelin is right next door asleep, I don't want her walking in here like she almost did last time" she said getting serious.

"You just gotta be quiet" I smirked getting on top of her.

"Jay stop really" she said pushing on my chest as I kissed her neck. I pinned her hands above her head. We hadn't had sex yet but I went down on her a lot.

"You know you want this" I laughed as rubbed her through her short. I slid my free hand up her shirt as I kissed down her chest.

"Jay stop please" she whispered. I quickly got up and looked at her as she got up quickly and ran in her bathroom.

What just happened?


"Where are you going?" I asked Trey as I pulled on a black sundress.

"Hitting this club up with my niggas" he said pulling a pair of boxers out of his drawer.

"Are you fucking serious Trey?" I asked throwing a pillow at him.

"Why you tripping yo, calm all that shit down" he said gripping me up.

"You promised to spend the day with me"

"I took you out, I pampered ya ass, I fucked you. What else you want from me?" He asked as he pulled in his clothes and put some cologne on.

"I'm just some bitch you take out and fuck huh? I'm suppose to be your fiance or did you forget?" I yelled walking away from him.

"There you go twisting my words, you always find shit to go off on me about. I ain't out fucking no bitch so what's the problem?" he followed after me.

"Seven fucking days in a week and you can't even spend one with me. You use to chill with me for days and now because you think you got don't care anymore"

"I got shit to handle, I don't want to be around you all day because you always starting drama"

"I wouldn't be starting drama if you stopped saying and doing dumb shit" I yelled getting in his face. He was always trying to turn things around and blame me. He just shook his head and walked out leaving me there. He's always walking away when we argue.

Fucking typical.


"You and La always having problems?" Golden laughed as she handed me the bottle of water I asked for. I decided to stop at her place before going to the club. She seemed upset about something but I didn't ask because I knew she would speak when she was ready. Me and Gold were close and sometimes I thought about what things would be like if I got with her instead of Shae.

"She always tripping" I said as I fall back on the couch.

"No you be tripping, she's your fiance. All that partying and shit needs to tone down. She quit stripping and all that for you. Have you even sat down and talked about the wedding?" She asked sitting down next to me.

"What am I doing wrong?" I asked looking at her.

"I'm not going to throw all the blame on you. You both are stubborn and have to listen to each other" she shrugged changing the TV to some ratchet looking show.

"She know what I do, I run a strip club. Fuck she want a house husband" I scoffed not understanding what more Shae wanted from me.

"Maybe? I'm not getting involved. You're my bro so all I'ma say is y'all need to talk" she said looking at me.

"You so easy to talk, you don't do that unnecessary shit" I sighed staring at Golden.

"I just try to chill, arguing all the time gets frustrating" she laughed.

"Yeah it do" I said staring at her. I didn't know what I was doing but I didn't care. I leaned over and kissed her. I was soon pulled away and thrown down. I looked up and seen Jayceon with a mug on his face.

"What the heck Trey?" Golden said wiping her lips.

"Somebody start talking" Jayceon said not looking away from me.

I just fucked up.


Soooo Trey is tripping...

La'Shae tripping or nah?


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