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"I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice

And by once or twice I mean
Maybe a couple a hundred times

So let me oh let me
Redeem oh redeem oh myself tonight

Cause I just need one more shot at second chances"


"You sure about this girl" Shae asked as I spoke to her on the phone.

"Yeah, his mentor thought it would be good for us to talk. Kae is with your parents so nows the perfect time" I said as I entered the property of the place Ka'ron was staying at. I decided to drive up here after dropping off Kaelin.

"What does Jay think about this"

"I didn't tell him, you're making this deeper than it needs to be. I'm meeting with Ka'ron, not getting back together with him" I said rolling my eyes as if she could see me.

"Well tell me how it goes" she sighed.

"I will, I'm gonna call you when I get out and please go talk to Trey. He's mopping around like a sad puppy" I said tired of seeing this man frown at work. His attitude has been terrible towards some workers.

"Y'all talking again?" She asked.

"He came to apologize and I accepted it, we've been friends for too long to end it but I told him to chill. The situation was all too weird and inappropriate"

"Wow he talks to you before he talks to me, I'll talk to you later" she said hanging up before I could say anything else. I parked my car and got out walking up to the entrance. I entered the building and made my way to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here for an appointment with Shawn Johnson and Ka'ron Walker" I said with a smile.

"Ms.Golden Banks?"

"Yes" I answered nodding my head.

"Room 37 right down the hall" she smiled pointing to a hall behind her desk. I smiled back at her and made my way down the hall. I was nervous because the last time I saw Ka'ron he was being arrested.

I knocked on one of the two doors that led to the room and Shawn opened the door. I had spoken to Shawn a few times and he convinces me to come and see Ka'ron. He was on medications now but Shawn wanted to get him well so he wouldn't have to depend on it.

"Ms. Banks come in" he smiled leaving the door open and I walked in to what looked like a conference room. I saw Ka'ron sitting back at the round table that stood in the middle of the room.

"You came?" He smiled standing up. I gave a quick hug and pulled back sitting down.

"Okay so Ka'ron, you've been doing great in the program and in order to move to the next stage you need to settle some things that are holding you back. I want you to tell Golden how you feel whether good or bad" Shawn said encouraging him to talk. Ka'ron looked up and stared at me for a while without saying anything. He stood up and got on his knees in front of my chair.

"Golden I'm sorry for everything I put you through. For putting my hands on you and being a sorry ass excuse of a man. For almost harming you and my daughter. For taking advantage of you and the abuse I put through, for making you feel less of a woman and breaking you. I'm sorry you had to raise Kaelin without her dad. I want to get better so I can be in her life and show her that I care about her" he apologized as his eyes grew teary.

"I forgive you, it's going to take a while for me to comfortable letting you back into our lives but Kaelin does need her father. You better be done with whatever was going on in the past because next time I'll be gone for good"

"I won't, I was suffering from mental illnesses and abusing drugs and alcohol. Everything got me mad all the time and I didn't mean to but I didn't feel bad until afterwards. It's like I'd black out and come back not knowing the extent of my damage"

"I want you stay on top of that and learn to control that because if not, I don't want you around Kaelin. After you finish your program here I'll see what I can do" I told him as he stood up and dusted off his pants.

"Do you ever see us getting back together?" He asked.

"No. I can see us co-parenting and being cordial. I'm in a relationship right now but even if I wasn't I don't think we could ever open up that door again" I said honestly as he nodded his head in understanding and looked down. I turned my head and looked at Shawn who was just sitting there taking notes.

"I'm glad you too got to talk it out. I didn't want to do too much talking because this is about you two. I hope you could make it to the family day we are having in few months. I'll send you the information in case you want to come" Shawn said before getting

"Thanks Shawn, it was nice meeting you and I'm happy to see your doing better Ka'ron" I smiled before turning around to leave. I left the building with a smile on my face. Things were becoming slightly less dysfunctional in my life. Who would have thought I would've made amends with Ka'ron of all people.


So Golden went to see Ka'ron..


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