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'I can't keep on lovin' you

One foot outside the door

I hear a funny hesitation

Of a heart that's never really sure'


"Kaelin, what did I just say?"

"I don't want to leave" she frowned stomping her feet. I was two seconds away from beating her behind. We were currently in Build-A-Bear and she already made two bears. Kaelin was becoming more and more spoiled and giving me an attitude. She was going to learn all that back talk is only going to result in me back handing her.

"I didn't ask you what you wanted to do, you're a child stay in a child' I will take both your bears and give them to charity"

"Ok I'm sorry" she whined walking ahead of me but then suddenly stopping and holding her hands out. I smiled grabbing onto her hands and made my ways towards the malls exit.


"Didn't I tell you to listen to your mommy?" Trey told Kaelin as we all sat in his living room. We being Me, Shae, Kaelin and Trey and little his nephew Marcus.

"Yes Uncle Trey" she pouted looking down at the ground. I just rolled my eyes at her dramatic self, this little girl was already a handful..I could only imagine what she would be like as a teen.

"Then why I heard you were acting up, I guess you don't want to go to Skyzone" he shrugged and turned away from her.

"Noooo I'm good Uncle Trey, I'm good...see" she said running over and kissing my cheeks.

"Okay you have to be good and listen every day or your getting popped on your legs" he said before shooing her off. I laughed shaking my head when she ran off to play with Marcus.

"Look at you, that's how you gonna be with our daughter" Shae smirked.

"We ain't having a daughter so you better love on Kaelin, girls are a handful and I'm already going to have to kill niggas for I'm kill for our daughter if I'm locked up" he said shaking his head at Shae looking at her as if she was stupid.

"There is something wrong with you for real but when y'all getting married" I asked excitedly.

"Not now, sheesh I just spent bread proposing to her, I need some time to recoup for them wedding expenses...all y'all females do is spend" Trey shook his head.

"You're getting someone to overlook the club since you'll be a married man now right baby" Shae asked looking up at him.

"No, that's my baby" he replied looking at Shae like she has said something crazy.

"So while I'm here, you're going to be having bitches shaking they ass in your face?" She crossed her arms.

"I never said that, I don't want them. If I did I would have gotten them but I want you" Trey had placing his hands on her thighs. I knew it was time to go when he started moving it further up her leg.

"I'm going to leave, y'all two love birds make me sick and Shae please watch my daughter" I stressed turning around and seeing her in the other room playing with her toys while Marcus drove around in his toy truck.

"I will, bye with your hating lonely, Im missing my boyfriend ass"

"Kae! Baby I'm leaving" I called. I saw her run out and come towards me wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Bye mommy, I see you tomorrow"

"Bye y'all" I said before leaving the house.


"Who shawty with the fat ass, she bad as shit"

"Keep playing with me" I turned mugging Jayceon as I scrolled through my Instagram feed.

"I love playing with you" he smirked sliding his hands up and down on my thighs as he drove through traffic. I pinched his hands and he quickly moved them. We were currently on our way to the movies because he wanted to take me out.

"What we going to see?" I asked as we pulled up to the movie theater.

"Spectre?" He asked as we walked inside.

"We should go see Creed, so I coild see that fine nigga" I suggested biting my lips. I watched Jay as he rolled his eyes and walked up the the machine to buy our tickets.

"Keep playing with me" he warned pulling out his card.

"I love playing with you" I said mocking him from earlier as I pinched his cheeks. He slapped my hands away as his phone started ringing.

"Whatchu need?" He asked as he answered the phone.


"Right now?" He asked looking irritated.


"I'll be there yo" he said before hanging and turning around to look at me. From the look on his face I knew I was not going to like what came out of his mouth next.

"That was Shantanay, she said she not feeling well" he explained and I didn't understand why he was telling me this.

"Doesn't she have parents or someone else that can care for her" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Look she caring my child, I'ma be there for her because of that stop all that" he grabbed my hands but I snatched them away .

"Stop what?" I was beyond annoyed with this situation. I don't even know why I put myself in this situation.

"The attitude, you knew what you were getting into when you took me back, I care about you but she's carrying my child so I gotta make sure she's good"

"I understand...take me home" I said turning around and walking out. I walked outside and went to his car waiting for him to unlock the doors.

"What you want from me Golden" He asked unlocking the door. I just opened the door and got in ignoring him. I wiped my face as tears fell down. I am tired of being second all the time.

"Why is you crying, come on Gold. We can go on a date another day"

"Every time she calls you drop me and run to her. I understand you going to doctors appointments and sometimes dropping her off places because her feet at to swollen for her to drive but you just going over there to keep her company is irritating..she has her friends and fucking family for that" I breathed relaxing after speaking my mind.

"I can't just toss her to the side like that"

"You still love her?" I asked. He didn't answer he just looked at me. I nodded and let out a light chuckle before sitting back in my seat.

"Golden-" he started but I cut him off

"Take me home" I said looking forward. I was over the conversation and didn't want to hear anything else from him.

Just when I thought things were going good.


So team Jay or Golden?


More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now