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"Whatever you've been told, you're worth more than gold

So hold your head up high, it's your time to shine

From the inside out it shows, you're worth more than gold

You're worth more than gold"



I stood there not believing what she said then I just began laughing and shaking my head. This whole situation was going to drive me insane.

"Then that would make him your brother, your brother likes you" Trey said with a look of disgust of his face.

"I was an only child" I stated confused at this new information I had received. Nothing made sense, why would my mom not tell me I had a sibling?

"So you were apart of the plan and you stood by and allowed a fucking five year old to be put in harms way?" Shae asked.

"No I was only in on the CPS case, I had no idea about anything especially physical harm happening to your daughter. His mother told me some crazy story about what you did and I already didn't like you so I helped" she helped spoke up.

"Can we take this inside my neighbors are nosey as hell" Shantanay said as we walked towarfs her hoise.

"Bitch I still don't like you, that ass whooping was coming your way but this trifling shit you did sped the process up" Shae shrugged sitting on Treys lap as we entered the livingroom.

"I get it I deserved it, Kendrick told me to text you that so he wouldn't look like the person behind this but I'm tired of listening to that nigga and his dumb ass mom. She's pregnant but crazy, she threatened to hurt my kids if I didn't listen"

"Look my cousin is a lot of things but I know she wouldn't codone your daughter being physically harmed" Shantanay said as if I cared. Bambi still played a part in getting my daughter taken away from me so that was my problem.

"I need to call the police and my lawyer and Bambi you need to tell her all this shit so I or someone else can get immediate custody of my daughter" I said headijg towards the door. Now that I know how crazy my mother is I wasn't going to sit around and wait, I wanted my daughter back.

"Mommy!" Kaelin yelled running across the lawn over to me when she saw me get out the car. I smiled and pick her up swinging her around.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" I asked looking her over and she seemed to be fine.

"Yeah, that lady said you weren't coming back for me" she frowned reffering to my mother.

"What are you doing here, no visitation for you today" my mother said walking up towards us. She grabbed Kaelin's hand and pulled her away from me. Kaelin yanked her hand away and ran behind me.

"Mommy I don't want to stay, a scary man lives here" Kaelin whispered from behind me. I looked at her funny and stared at the house, seeing her husband standing there watching us.

"What do you mean scary Kae?" I asked giving my mother a look but she looked away.

"When I took a bath, he came in and watched me, I was scared" she said making my blood boil.

"Kaelin did h..he..did he t..touch you?" I asked trying to calm my racing heart, I didn't know how I would react of she said yes to my question.

"No but he said he was bringing a present to my room later, mommy I just wanna come back home" she cried throwing her self on me again.

"It's okay baby, you ain't staying here" I said pushing her towards Shae and turned back to face my mother.

"You take her and I call the cops and have you arrested for kidnapping" she smirked but her face soon fell when she saw Bambi.

"Kidnap? She's my daughter, you should be ashamed of yourself. You're worried about my household and your husbands a fucking pervert and a pedophile"

"I didn't know you were doing this, I thought I was just helping you get custody not hurt a child" Bambi shook her head.

"Shutup, I'm helping that little girl out and keeping her away from the many men that her whorish mother brings around"

"You brought my child around some pedophile and I'm the whore, I'm not stupid, you had five abortions while I was growing up, I'm surprised you can carry a child now" I spat.

"Look she knows everything, you and Kendrick just need to turn yourself in" Bambi spoke trying to reasom with her.

"I'm not doing anything and my husband is a respected officer so good luck making anyone believe you"

"So Kendricks your son huh?" I chuckled.

"My only child that ever listened, you were born with a twin but my parents gave him away to a family member down here to be raised while I kept you. You abandoned and left me four years ago and kept my granchild from me"

"You kicked me out?! Fuck was I suppose to do, I had no one, I was getting my ass beat by my ex boyfriend and you said I probably deserved it. You came seeking forgiveness or atleast I thought you were, you could have been in her life" I yelled getting in her face. I saw her husband quickly walk up to us.

"You need to leave, my wife doesn't need this stress" he shouted.

"Your wife is a conniving bitch that deserves to rot in hell and you can go follow her there. If I find out you touched my daughter, I'll fuck you up myself, I put that on everything pussy" I shouted.

"Kendrick first noticed you at the club three years ago, he recognized you from photos I had. I heard you were making Kaelin call some other people her grand parents, you didn't even bother to call me and apologize. You're a ungrateful little girl and you don't deserve to be a mother after you've abandoned your only one, so yeah I sent her to the hospital, I've been behind the break ins, I even told Ka'ron where you were but as I said my husbands a respected officer. So try taking me to court and see who wins. You'll never be worth anytging Gold, I lose" she whispered then stepped back and smiled. I smiled back at her and stepped back turning around as officers rushed up and handcuffed her.

"Its never been a competition but you just confessed and I got it all recorded and all these lovely officers heard so good luck. And tell your husband not to drop the soap. I guess I win"

"Ashlyn Banks you are under arrest for..." I smiled hearing those words and walked over to my daughter and hugged her tight. No one was going to take her away from me again.


The End.

I feel so happy knowing I completed my first book didn't know where it was going when I first started writing it.

How was the ending to y'all?

Expected? Unexpected?

Any questions or clarifications?

naya 😘

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