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"If I had the money, let me tell you how it'd be,

I'd take over the country, everyone would bow to me,

Sit up in my palace, and baby you would be my queen,

We'd run this ship together, just you wait and see..."


"Ms.Golden Banks?" The lady asked looking at me.

"Uhmm yes, who are you?" I replied.

"I'm Traci and this is my partner Regina. We have been sent from CPS because there were complaints formed against you about child abuse and negligence" she said. I looked at her shocked and felt like crying because who would lie and say something like that.

"Something must be wrong" I told her shaking me head.

"May we come in, its procedure for us to conduct an investigation. We will observe  and determine if there's a case or not" she explained. I nodded my head and walked into the livingroom and saw Kaelin sitting on the couch watching Princess and the frog.

"Whoever filed a complaint was lying, I take care of my child" I added.

"We're just investigating a complaint its against protocol to not see if the complaint was false or not"

"Okay feel free to investigate" I said knowing that I had nothing to hide.

"Hi sweetheart are you Kaelin" the officer smiled squatting down to her level. Kaelin smiled and nodded.

"Im going to ask you a few questions" the lady named Regina said walking towards me. I walked a little further away from Kaelin but made sure I could still see her.

"What is your occupation Ms.Banks"

"I am a dancer" I answered.

"A professional dancer or a stripper" he asked but I didn't answer I just gave her a look.

"Is that all?" I asked being short with him.

"No, is the childs father in her life?"

"Why is that significant?" I asked. I didn't want to say no because I knew Ka'ron was trying so I didn't  want to say no either.

"How do you discipline your child?" He asked reading off a list.

"Why is this any of your concern, I don't beat her, she's fine and in a safe environment"

"There was a file saying your home was broken into, you were staying with family?"

"Kaelin stayed with me at my boyfriends house some nights but she mostly stayed with her grandparents"

"This boyfriend is a Mr. Jayceon Carter?" He asked making me wonder how they knew all of this.

"Why is my personal life being tapped into?"

"These are just some questions I had to ask now can we question her?"

"Can you guys leave?" I smiled.

"You have no food in the house" Traci said looking at me and writing some things on her notepad.

"I just moved in here so our canned and bagged foods still need to be unpacked from the boxes. I ordered food for tonight, is that a problem?"

"No not at all" she said with a small smile.

"Kaelin says you pop her, what exactly does that mean?" Traci asked as I picked Kaelin up and stepped away from them.

More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now