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"You so easy to talk, you don't do that unnecessary shit" Trey said making me smile. Trey was like a brother to me, when Shae introduced us, he looked out for me here.

"I just try to chill, arguing all the time gets frustrating" I laughed. Those two are always fighting but I knew they loved each other a lot. He wouldn't have proposed if he wasn't serious.

"Yeah it do" he said staring at me. I looked at him strangely wondering why he wasn't saying anything. I was caught off guard when he kissed me suddenly. I was about to push him off of me when he was suddenly yanked away. I stood up as I saw Jayceon standing over Trey.

"What the heck Trey?" I said wiping her lips.

"Somebody start talking" Jayceon said not looking away from Trey.

"Jay calm down" I say trying to grab his arm but he yanked it back.

"You suppose to be my boy and you over here kissing my girl. And I'm gone for two minutes and you over here with another nigga" he said directing his attention to me.

"I kissed her, she ain't kiss me back" Trey confessed standing up.

"Trey I think you should go" I said looking at him. I didn't know how to feel right now. I knew I definitely had to talk to Shae about this because she was my best friend and what he did was wrong. I didn't feel anything for Trey and I'm scared this kiss was going to end our friendship.

"I'm sorry Gold" he said before leaving. I nodded at him and he walked out.

"You like him?" Jay asked looking at me.

"No, he kissed me out of nowhere and before I could push him off you pulled him off" I said truthfully.

"He knew you for years and when I start dating you he wants to make moves" he chuckled humorlessly as he sat on the couch.

"I guess he was in the moment, he and Shae had a fight. Don't stop messing with him completely over this" I begged. I knew that Trey valued his friendship with Jay and he just made a heat of the moment mistake.

"Why you defending him?" He yelled getting up.

"My daughter is upstairs sleeping so I suggest you lower your voice" I didn't know who he thought he was but I wasn't having that. I completely understand that he was upset but yelling wasn't going to solve much right now.

"I don't believe you when you say you don't like him?" He said making me laugh. He couldn't be serious right now.

"You're the one that cheated throughout our entire relationship and you don't trust me?" I asked. He didn't respond he just shook his head and rubbed his hands down his face. I scoffed readying to walk away when he gently grabbed me.

"Chill I nah I trust you" I pushed him back on the couch and straddled him.

"I think I deserve a massage, a home cooked meal and--" I listed as he laughed.

"Whatever you want, I was just tripping off some shit I just found out. This just added to it, I've been betrayed by too many people before"

"What happened?" I questioned turning to face him. His face looked like he was irritated.

"The baby might not be mine, I wasn't the only nigga she fucked around with at that time" He announced. She knew this entire time he wasn't the only nigga she was with but she let him think that. She knew he had money so she wanted to trap him.

"She foul for that but maybe it's for the best" I shrugged not really knowing what to say. With her messy mindset I don't think she should even be having a child. He didn't respond to me he just sat back in deep thought. I got up off his lap and decided to go check on Kaelin.

Walking up the stairs to her room I opened the door and saw that her bed was empty. I quickly run and looked her bed and saw she wasn't there. I looked in her bathroom and she wasn't there either. When I ran to her closet I sighed in relief when I saw her curled up with her blanket in there.

"Baby whats wrong? You had a bad dream?" I asked picking her up and walking out of the closet.

"No your friend said for me to go in the closet. He said he wanted to surprise you so I shouldn't make any noise" she said smiling. My skin ran cold as I thought about who could have been in my daughters room. It was scary thinking that someone was in here. I quickly called Jay and packed a small suitcase for Kaelin.

"What happened? Why you packing?" He asked coming in her room.

"Someone was in here with her, someone could have hurt her" I whispered so Kaelin wouldn't hear.

"Y'all can stay with me until we figure this out" he sighed walking out of the room brushing off what I said like it was nothing.

"Kae did you see anything, a face?" I asked frantically, I almost forgot in the rush of the moment.

"No mommy it to dark, I'm sorry" she cried. I told her that is was okay and kissed her forehead.

"Come on baby lets go" I said taking her packed bag into my room as I packed myself a small duffel bag of clothes and other necessities.

"We staying with Jaycee?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah we staying with Jaycee for a little bit" I smiled trying to keep it together.

"Your friend said he going to put Jaycee to sleep like princess movie, you kiss Jaycee and he wake up right mommy?" She asked. I quickly grabbed Kaelin and our things and rushed downstairs where Jayceon was.

"You ready?" He asked about to grab our things.

"We are not staying with you, I'm going to drive to Shae's family house and leave Kaelin there, whoever it was wants to put you to sleep" I said putting an emphasis on the last part.

"Look nobody gonna do nothing to y'all come on" he said grabbing our bags in one hand and Kaelin in the other. I walked out after him and locked my door making sure I had my phone. I watched as Jay loaded our bags in the car and strapped Kaelin in the car seat as he took mine out of my car.

"I'm scared, to know someone was that close to my baby and I didn't know" I confessed as he closed the car door.

"Nobody is gonna hurt you baby or your baby" he smiled pulling me into him as he kissed my lips. I nodded my head as I looked up at him.

I hope he was right.




More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now