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"The only way you seein' me

is if you eatin' me

Downtown taste my love

like Horace Brown"


I was frozen in place, I didn't know what to do. He was sitting there smiling like everything was okay.

"Mommy is this really my daddy , he say you been a meany to him..pologize" Kaelin started off excitedly then tried to scold me.

"Kae baby come here" I told her not taking my eyes off of Ka'ron and ignoring her question.

"I haven't seen my baby girl and you already want to take her from me...bad mommy" Ka'ron chuckled before taking Kaelin off his lap and placing her on the couch. He placed a kiss on her forehead then made his way over to me and grabbed my hands tightly.

"Mommy and Daddy are gonna go have a talk" he told Kaelin before pulling me upstairs and into my room before locking the door. He pushed me against my dresser and leaned down to kiss me. I tried turning my head but he squeezed my face tightly forcing his lips on mine. I pushed him away from me but he only moved closer.

"How did you get in here?"

"She's so smart and she hasn't even started school yet Gold" he smiled.

"Why are you here, what do you want?" I was slowly reaching my hands in my draw to get my taser out.

"I want my family, I want you staying with me again like old times" he confessed caressing my face. I turned my face away from him.


"Don't be like that Goldie, you either come with or I take you with me"

"I'm not going anywhere with you, you lost me when you did what you did to me" I reminded him about our abusive relationship.

"You still hung up on that shit, Golden stop acting like a bitch" he exclaimed before he raised his hand to slap me. The sound of the doorbell stopped him and he released me.

"Who you expecting Gold, I know your little friend went out of town" he asked me before leaving the room. I dropped the taser and walked out after him and followed him downstairs.

"Get out" I gritted out as I headed towards the door after him.

"Why so you can fuck that nigga" he asked looking out the peephole before opening the door to reveal Jay.

"Why you showing up at my girl house nigga" Ka'ron asked sizing him up. I simply rolled my eyes.

"Ka'ron can you please just leave, we are done and its going to stay that way" I glared at him. His hard headed ass wants shit his was or no way at all.

"Why so you can do shit with him while my daughters in the house" He asked not taking in eyes of Jay, who looked bored out of his mind and unfazed.

"He just a friend and if I was its none of your business and you don't have a right to tell me what to do with my daughter". He was about to say something when Kaelin came around the corner with white powder all over her head.

"Baby what happened" I asked walking over to her.

"You said we can bake cakes later, I try to get all the stuff" she frowned.

"Aww my baby is so helpful but you could have gotten hurt, don't do that again" I told her. I wanted so whoop her ass but I had these two to worry about.

More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now