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"Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep,

If I shall die when I'm wake

I pray the Lord my soul to take,



"Trey we're not having sex again, you always want to solve shit with sex" I groaned pushing him off of me.

"I think sex is great problem solver"

"Of course you do" I rolled my eyes, I had decided to forgive him but I was putting the whole wedding planning on hold. I needed to make sure he was ready to take this commitment and give me his all. I didn't want a half ass husband or a cheater.

"You still mad, you acting like I had sex with her La'Shae" he frowned.

"If Jay didn't intervene and Golden was that type of girl, you might have" I crossed my arms.

"Stop trying to cause problems off of what you think could have happened" he said getting annoyed. I just pushed him away from me and got up to go take a shower. He followed me into the bathroom and stood looking at me.

"I'm trying to take a shower, get out"

"Nah we talking" he said grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulders. He threw me on the bed and reach into the side table grabbing something. Before I knew it he had handcuffed my left hand to the bed post.

"Trey get these off of me" I yelled yanking my hand hoping they would break but it didn't budge.

"No we talking just like couples are suppose to do"

"I don't think normal couples handcuff eachother to force one to stay and listen"

"You ain't normal" he shrugged.


I looked down at Jay's face as he slept on my stomach and played with his hair. He had fell asleep to me rubbing his head. I traced my fingers over his lips as he stirred in his sleep.

"Stop sexually harassing me" he mumbled turning his face in the other direction. I rolled my eyes and trying to push his big ass off of me.

"Says the one who fell asleep holding my breast" I laughed.

"I didn't know you had anything to hold" he shot back with his eyes still closed.

"Get your scrawny ass out my face" I laughed pushing him as a knock sounded on his room door. I smiled and walked over opening the door and saw Kaelin standing there. I picked her up and walked back to her room and got in bed with her.

"Why you not asleep chunky?" I asked kissing her forehead and tucking her scarf on her head.

"My nightlight broke, I'm scared"

"You want mommy to sleep in here with you?" I asked.

"Yes" she smiled cuddling closer to me. I smiled kissing her head again and laid down rubbing her back.

"Night baby"

"Night mommy, did you say your prayer?" She asked with her eyes closed.

"No" I said truthfully getting ready to be scolded by a four year old for not praying.

"Why not, you have to say you prayer. God doesn't have to bless you and wake you up or nothing but he does cause he loves us. So a prayer is the least you could do" she said in a mouthful while standing on the bed. Her arms were moving dramatically and I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry Pastor Kae, I'll pray"

"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to who you'll answer to on Judgement Day" I didn't know what I was going to do with this girl. It made me smile that she was this into her walk with God.

"Dear heavenly Father, I am sorry for not acknowledging you, thank you for keeping me sane and healthy. Thank you for my little Pastor Kae. Watch over us as we go to sleep to night and wake us with the morning light, Amen" I prayed.

"Was that so hard mommy"

"No it wasn't baby, now come one time for bed baby" I smiled wrapping my arms around her.


Short but just a cute chapter


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