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Thanks for all the votes y'all I really appreciate everyone that faithfully reads each chapter, comments and votes.


"Fuck you (fuck you)

Fuck you very, very much

Cause your words don't translate

And it's getting quite late

So please don't stay in touch"


I stood up from my seat as my phone lit up indicating I had a call coming in. I looked and saw it was Shantanay and contemplated on whether or not I wanted to answer.

"Hello" I spoke into the phone after finally deciding to answer. I walked off down a hall to get away from the loud noises in the waiting room. Some family had brought out everybody and they mama because someone had a sprained ankle.

"Jay, Candice just called me"

"What she want? Did she come by or something?" I questioned.

"Nah she's locked up but she's was apart of that break in at Golden's house last time"

"It was a guy that broke in the last time so somebody working with her? The fuck is this a lifetime movie, this that white people shit" I said getting frustrated.

"I'm just telling you what she said and she also said what's happening now is only the beginning and tell Golden to watch her and her daughters back"

"What? She had something to do with what happened to Golden daughter?" I said getting angry all over again. That bitch was lucky she was locked up.

"What happened to her daughter?"

"She got hurt"

"Jay I'm scared, what if she tries to do something to our baby"

"There's a possibility that child ain't mine so chill out with that our shit until I can get a DNA test" I reminded her.

"Whatever Jay, I just called to tell you that. Don't forget my appointment tomorrow" she said before hanging up on me.

I walked back over to where everyone was and saw they were following a doctor.

"What's going on?"

"They're taking us to the family waiting room on the floor Kae is on" Golden said.


I ran into the room Kaelin was in and cried when I saw her laying on her stomach. There were bandages all over her back and different machines hooked up. Some nurses were pouring things on her back as she cried out.

"How bad is it?" I turned asking the doctor.

"It isn't as bad as it looks, she should heal with minimal scarring. The degree of the burn wasn't enough to do permanent damage. Your daughter will be fine"

"When can I take her home?" I asked.

"You can't" the same social worker from before said coming into the room.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Can I speak with you outside Ms.Banks?" She asked nodding towards the door. I took once last look at Kae before walking out.

"As protocol any injuries to a child must be recorded and filed for future use if something happens. Because of the severity of her injury CPS has to get involved. It was brought to my attention that a case was already opened against you. Since Kaelin was injured in your care with no witnesses CPS has temporary custody of her until your name is cleared in the investigation..."

I stopped listening to her and spaced out. The only thing running through my mind was that Kaelin was being taken away from me.

"What's going to happen to her? Who's she going to stay with? What am I suppose to do?" I questioned rambling on.

"Well she would be put into a temporary home but her grandmother has been granted custody"

"Grandmother? I can't choose who gets temporary custody of my daughter?!" I said not wanting Kaelin to stay with that lady.

"No I'm sorry but your mother has temporary custody for now. If you don't win this case, she can fight for full custody. I'm sorry Mrs.Banks" she said before walking off.

"What's going on?" Shae asked.

"How did you get custody of my child?" I asked my mother ignoring Shae's question.

"They clearly see me as a fit parent, something you can't be Golden, I have years of experience, you're still young" she said as if I was suppose to smile about this.

"Fuck you" I told her before walking off. I didn't want to walk back into the hospital room while I was this angry. Everyone followed me and stopped when I stopped walking.

"Somethings not right, no paperwork was done, is it that easy to hand off my daughter to some lady that hasn't even known her for that long?" I asked trying to make sense of it all.

"Golden calm down we gon figure this shit out" Jayceon said trying to comfort me but I didn't want to hear that.

"Don't tell me calm down, I don't want to hear all that. I want my daughter to come back home with me and for things to go back to normal, her birthday is this week and she might have to spend it in a hospital" I fought back tears.

"Let's pray and ask God to guide us through this and remove all evil and darkness from around us" Shae's mom said looking at my mother.

"Gonna need a lot of prayer for this one" John, Shae dad said also looking at her.


So Golden's mother is one the filed the complaint

Candice, the crazy chick, is the one that broke into Golden's house and trashed it, both times actually.

And now there is a mystery guy, that broke in the last time and told Kaelin something. Can y'all guess who it is? I don't think y'all will🙂

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