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'Hello, it's me

I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet

To go over everything

They say that time's supposed to heal ya'


"What are you doing here? How'd you find me?"

"Is that how you greet me after all this time?" She chuckled shaking her head.

"What are you doing here, you wanted me gone remember" I reminded her. I didn't know why she was here or even knew where to find me.

"I came to see how you were doing, seems great if your living in this upscale place" she said taking in the place as she stepped pass me and Jayda.

"Who is that" Jayda whispered as her eyes went wide.

"I'll speak with you later when you pick the girls up tonight" I forced a smile as I lead her out the door. I locked it and quickly made my way over to the living room where my mother was.

"How you been Ashlyn?" she asked using my middle name. I didn't know what to say to her.

I hadn't seen my mother in years and I thought all the things I would say if or when I saw her again but I came up blank. She was always more like another teenager living in the house with me. She made me call her by her first name because she was to young for "the mom shit", as she would call it.

"Fine" I answered just standing there looking at her.

"You had a loud ass mouth growing up now you quiet" she laughed sitting walking around looking at pictures on the wall.

"Guess people change" I said back simply again.

"You had a little girl" she asked but it sounded like more of a statement.

"Yeah" I responded rubbing my hands together. I didn't know how to feel at this moment. A part of me was happy to see her and another part of me wanted nothing to do with her.

"Whats her name?" She asked.

"Kaelin Autumn Banks" I said smiling thinking of Kae.

"Where did that name come from?" She smiled still looking down at the picture frame she picked up.

"Well I saw the name and thought of Grandma Kae and your middle name Lin"

"I wasn't even there for your or my grand baby and still named her after me"

"You're still my mother, you had your faults, but we're human so I guess we all had them"

"I went to rehab, I don't drink or party anymore and I occasionally smoke weed but only occasionally" she admitted making me smile. I was happy she had cleaned up her act. It was a little bit late seeing as though I needed a mother figure when I was younger but it's good that she's changed.

"That's good, I'm glad you're doing better" I told her honestly. If she had came around a few years earlier I probably wouldn't have been so calm. I had came to terms with my childhood and no longer wanted to be angry with my mother. Sure it would take time for use to be more comfortable around each other but I willing to work on it.

"I'm married" she blurted out of nowhere and looked at me.

"Wow, well I'm happy for you, how did you two meet"

"His name is Nathan, I met him at one of my meetings, he was a guest speaker and we hit it off pretty good" she smiled.

"Nathan? Is he black?" I laughed.

"No he's white and he makes me happy and he gave me the courage to come down here and apologize to you"

"Mom I forgave you a long time ago" I said truthfully.

"No I still want you to hear my apology, I'm sorry for not being what you needed. I'm sorry you grew up not having the love and support you needed. I feel like I failed you as a mother. I blamed my own decision to lay on my back as a reason to abandoned you. Just because I had you at a young age doesn't give me a reason to give up on your like that. I'm sorry Golden" she finished with watery eyes. I wiped my tears and hugged her. After all these years that's all I wanted, an apology. I wanted my mother to care enough to see the hurt she caused and she did.

"Apology accepted" I smiled pulling away.

"I wanted to meet my grand baby"

"She's upstairs taking a nap with her friends" I told her as I led her up the stairs. Or at least that what I thought she was doing. I stopped at the top of the steps as I heard giggling coming from Kaelin's room. I walked into her room to see Ava and Kaelin with my makeup all over their faces and all over Kae's pink carpet. Ada was sitting on the princess couch walking a Rugrats re-run.

"Kaelin what did mommy tell you about going through her stuff" I asked trying to keep calm, this girl didn't listen. I wanted to beat her ass so bad but not in front of everyone.

"I just wanted to look nice like how you do your mommy, please don't beat my butt" she cried standing up.

"Both of you stand up and wait for me, Ava you better be glad I ain't telling your mommy" I said before turning around to face my mom.

"Not a good time I see" she smiled.

"Yeah and I don't want to just push you on her, maybe we can have lunch or something" I suggested.

"Sure, it has to be soon though, I'm heading back in five days"

"I have to work tomorrow so the day after is okay?" I smiled.

"Okay, it was nice seeing you Gold, I'm proud of you" she smiled before walking back down the steps.

My mom was back in my life and hopefully for the better now.


Golden moms came back.

Whatcha thinking?


More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now