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"It's not all me

It's not all my fault

I may remind you, but I won't take it all on

I'll only take some of it"


I hugged Shae as soon as she came running in the waiting room. I hadn't heard back from Kaelin's doctor and the nurse at the window was getting on my nerves. I simply asked her if she knew anything and she got an attitude like that wasn't her job. The damn security guard was more helpful than her.

"You okay girl? How's our baby?" She asked pulling away from the hug.

"She still back there with the doctor's, the burn on her back was really bad Shae. I was tired of these break ins, drama and just when I think things can't get any worse, someone is out to get my child taken away and hurt us" I said trying to hold back from crying anymore.

"Gold" I heard Jayceon's voice from behind me. I turned around and hugged him also. I was glad my support systems were here and on there way. Shae's parents were on their way, I had called and spoken to Ka'ron and he said to keep him updated, and Trey was on his way.

"Hey baby" I smiled laying my head and his chest as he held me.

"I found out who filed the complaint against you, Jayda's friend--" he started to say but I didn't want to hear all that extra talk. I wanted an immediate answer.

"Who was it?!" I asked pulling away from him. He had this look on his face like it was going to kill him to say who it was.

"It was--" he began before a voice behind me interrupted.

"Where is she?"

I turned around so fast almost giving myself a whiplash. I stood there confused seeing my mother in the waiting room with her husband Nathan and those two boys. It seemed as if they traveled in a pack because I rarely saw them apart. I never called and told her where Kaelin was at. I called but it went to voicemail so I said it was an emergency and to call me back soon.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked walking towards her.

"God led me here of course" she smiled looking uneasy as she stepped closer to her husband.

"More like the devil" Shae mumbled and rolled her eyes.

"If I find out, you had something to do with this--"

"She did, Jayda's friend found out she filed the complaints, she wants full custody of Kae" Jayceon said speaking up since he was cut off before. My blood started boiling but I knew I needed to keep my cool.

If I lost it and attacked her in a hospital full of witnesses she could use that against me. I stood still not knowing how to feel or what to do. This women basically left me to raise myself and now because she's ready to be a parent she wants to come back and act like she's perfect. She didn't change one bit, she's still the same vindictive women I knew growing up.

"So are you the same one that broke into my house and trashed it last time"

"I'm not sure I like these accusations you're throwing at me. I came here as a caring grandmother to see how my grandbaby is doing" she said before walking off and going over to the nurse in the window. I rolled my eyes and smirked because the nurse was rude and wouldn't say much to her.

I was genuinely shocked when the nurse smiled and they began talking like they've been friends forever.

"How's our grandbaby?" Shae's parents asked walking in.

"We haven't heard anything yet"

"Who are these people" my mother asked looking them up and down.

"I'm the women who took care of Golden and Kaelin like they were my blood. Who are you?" Shae's mother, Shaelyn said with a smile.

"Well I am blood and I'm here now, so your no longer needed" my mother fanned her off.

"Golden you better get your mother" John said looking my mother up and down.

"Honey calm down" my mothers husband Nathan said grabbing her but she pulled away from him.

"No, she can't replace me as a grandmother. I am your mother Golden and you will treat me with respect" she demanded causing a scene.

"My daughter is back there probably in pain and will most likely be scarred for life. So the last thing I'm worrying about is showing respect to woman who was never there for me growing up. You know nothing about Kaelin and you haven't even tried but you want custody of her. You can marry anyone you want and have as many kids to cover up the fact that your a terrible mother. You can put on an act for everyone but me, I know the conniving type of person you are, grow up." I ranted before walking back over to the chair I was seated in before. I wasn't in the mood to be bothered with anyone. I just wanted to see my daughter and know that she was okay.


Soooo Gold mom is crazy basically.


More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now