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"Baby these fists will always protect ya, lady

And this mind, oh, will never neglect you,

Yeah, baby, oh, baby

And they stay trying to break us down but don't let that affect us, no, baby"


I got out of the car grabbing Kaelin out and carrying her because she was sleeping. I wasn't mad at Jayceon because what happened wasn't his fault but I was mad right now. I didn't want to take my anger out on him so I decided to just go inside and go to sleep in the guestroom with Kae.

"Stop slamming my shit yo" Jayceon said locking the house door. I rolled my eyes and continued up the stairs.

Making my way to the guest room I adjusted Kae on my arm before reaching down and unlocking the door. The room was cold so I knew I had to turn the heat up so she wouldn't get a cold. I laid her on the bed and slid her shoes off tossing them on the floor. I planned on cleaning up tomorrow anyway. Jayceon walked in the room a few minutes later and mugged me before leaving. I wiped Kae down and changed her clothes before laying her in the middle of the bed to sleep. Jay had bought the railings to attach so the kids wouldn't roll off when they slept in the beds. I made sure it was in place and left out the room going into Jayceon's room to talk before he had a fit.

"Don't let what my mother said get to you yo, lose that fucking attitude too" he said looking at me from his position in the bed. He was already changed out his his clothes and only a pair of basketball shorts covered him.

"I don't have an attitude, I'm just a little annoyed. She doesn't even know me and she's convinced I'm some gold digging hoe" I scoffed. I hated when people assumed my character before getting to know me.

"But you not and I know that. That's all that should matter to you, I'm in a relationship with you not her" he said trying to calm me down.

"That's your mother though, I don't want y'all to have problems because of me" I frowned.

"Trust me, problems with my mom started way before I met you. Now stop talking about it and come here"

I smiled a little and walked over to the bed. I got on and crawled over to him.

"I found a place" I stated out of nowhere, I looked at Jayceon's face and he seemed annoyed by my comment.

"Why, I told you, you could stay here"

"I know but I can't do that" I shrugged. I had a daughter to think about, I couldn't just be boo'd up and not think about doing what's best for her as a mother.

"Why not?"

"Because even though I love you, we're not married so we could break up anyday. I need my own place and space for my daughter and I, she's my main priority"

"So you think if we broke up, I would put you and Kae out on the street" he asked looking offended. I took a deep breath not liking how this conversation was turning out.

"I didn't say that--"

"But that's what you was insinuating though" he said sitting up.

"No, I'm just not depending on a man to take care of me. I've been dependent on men too much in my life and look where its gotten me"

"Man whatever yo" he said getting up and leaving the room.

"Jay, stop being difficult" I whined following after him. I found him in his office and walked over to him.

"If you want to leave then leave, nobody here is stopping you" he shrugged.


I threw my last bag in the trunk of my car and closed it. Jay was leaning against his front door watching me and didn't bother to help. He still an attitude from last night and was acting like a big ass baby.

I had already strapped Kaelin into her carseat so all I had to do was get in and be on my way to my new place. After I get the place situated, I'll invite the little friends I have for a housewarming party. All new appliances were already installed and I rush ordered brand new beds that were delivered and set up.

"You really leaving?" Jay asked for the millionth time since last night.

"Baby yes, I'll still come over and we can do that thing you like" I said walking over to him and kissing his lips.


"Yes because I know it relieves your stress and makes you feel better" I smirked wrapping my arms around his shoulder.

"You better girl" he smiled looking behind me and grabbing my ass real quick.

"Stop be a perv" I giggled pulling away from him.

"Maybe I don't want to" he said pulling me back into him. I kissed his lips one last time and stepped back.

"I'll come by tomorrow" I said before turning around and gettung into the car. Kaelin was dancing to some song on the radio and smiled at me. I smiled starting the car up and driving off towards or new home.

We had arrived a the new house and litttlw while ago and Kaelin already made a mess. She had managed to find the box with her toys and took them out.

"Little girl pick those toys up, I'm not going to tell you again" I said to Kaelin as I unpacked some plates and brought them to thr kitchen and placed them in the cabinets.

"I don't want to clean up" she complained but still packed up her toys. Of course when she says she wants to help unpack, she only wants to unpack toys.

"Stop talking back and telling me what you don't want to do"

"Meany" she mumbled.

"Excuse me? I'm not for a messy house so get up" I told her as I unpacked a few more things. Our boxes of clothes were upstairs in the bedrooms still waiting to be unpacked.

"Can I watch a movie Meany, I mean mommy" she smiled giving me the puppy eyes.

"Okay lets find a movie" I gave a look then smiled setting her on the couch as I found princess and the frog playing on Disney. I was glad the cable was hooked up because I wanted to watch all my shows.

"Mommy I want to dress up like a pretty princess"

"You already are a pretty princess but we can get you a pretty dress"

"With sparklies" she gasped with big eyes. I nodded and laughed.

"Yes baby but its sparkles" I corrected her. I heard the door bell ring and frowned wondering who was at the door. I didn't invite anyone over and no one knew where I lived yet but Jayceon and La'Shae and they were busy.

I opened up the door to reveal two women in suits and a police officer. I was confused as to why they were at my door.


Why they at the door? Who are those two women?

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