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I stood in place listening to the commotion coming from the living room. I didn't know if I should walk out there but I decided against it. I didn't want to start any trouble and I didn't want to have to smack somebody for acting up. I was really glad the girls were sleeping.

"Who the fuck you got in here Jayceon?" I heard the same female say.

"Yo chill with all that, my nieces upstairs sleep and you yelling like a wild ass animal" Jayceon said sounding angry.

"Who's car is that outside, I know it ain't yo sisters" the same female said.

"Mind yo fucking business and get out, I'm tired of hearing you complain about dumb shit , we broke up, we're done, over, finito, coming to my house acting like you run shit..done lost yo damn mind"

"Girl he saying all this to distract you, I bet he has a bitch in the house" another female voice said.

Who the fuck is that?

"I don't got no bitch in my house, Candice why you here, always trying to start shit, find yourself a nigga to bother"

"So who does that belong to" I heard the first female voice say. I didn't know what she was referring to so I just continued to listen.

"Shantanay get out before I drag your ass out" he warned.

The same name I heard him mention that day at the park.

"Oh so you gon put your hands on me now nigga?"

"Man I don't got time for this shit" I heard Jay say before all hell broke loose. I heard hits being thrown and both females yelling.

"Nigga put her down" I heard the second girl say.

"Candice get off me yo"

"Don't fucking touch me"

I listened as both of their yelling lessened until it was completely quiet. I jumped when I heard the front door slam. I quickly went back to the fridge and pulled out the first things I saw which was sliced smoked honey ham. I grabbed the bread that was on the island and through the meat on it. I quickly bit into to it and instantly regret it, this that dry as shit, no mayo, no cheese, nothing. I looked up as Jayceon walked into the kitchen with his head down.

"Hey" I said awkwardly, I knew that he knew that I heard everything that happened out there.

"You heard all that?" He asked. I was about to respond but I gasped looking at his face when he looked up.

"What happened?" I asked getting up and standing in front of him. Those two girls did a number on his face. Under his right eye had cut as if he had been sliced. He had blood coming from above his left brow. He had a busted lip and blood coming from the side of his head. He still managed to look fine as hell though, I'll give him that.

"That dumb ass bitch I was talking bout" he grumbled.

"Stop calling females out their name, even if that is what they are"

"Man when it comes to her, everything I was ever taught me about respecting women goes out the window" he shrugged.

"So you...hit her?" I asked not sure if I wanted to hear the answer.

"Fuck no, I'll grip a female up to keep her from hitting me or something but I would never put my hands on her, I used to see..". He just shook his head and stopped talking. I decided to not push whatever he was talking about. He sat on the stool by the island chair in front of me as I got a closer look at his cuts. I grabbed a paper towel and wet it before dabbing at the cut under his eye.

"You should probably go to the hospital and get stitches.." I stopped talking when I heard my phone ringing. I looked down and saw Shae's number flashing on the screen. I stepped away from Jay and answered my phone.

I thought she was working.

'Hey Shae, you good?'


'What do you mean somebody broke in'

I looked at Jay as he gave me look wondering what was going on.


'Are you okay? Were you there? Where are you now Shae?" I asked throwing question after question at her.


'No, he doesn't even know where we live, I don't you have anywhere to stay tonight'


'You sure you okay sleeping there?'


'You and Trey nasty asses better stay in your room with that shit'


'Alright bye boo, I love you too'

I ended the call and looked up at Jay.

"Somebody broke into our place" I sighed sitting down.

"Yeah it was probably my ex girl"

"How would your ex girl know where I live" I asked as I crossed my arm over my chest. I never met this girl in my life and I just met Jay less than a week ago.

"She saw your bag in the living room and she picked it up and probably something with your information on it, she only has to look at something once and she knows that shit by heart..I took it from her though" he reassured me.

"That was quick and if it was her, now some psycho female knows where I wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have a four year old daughter"

"Look I'll handle her okay, you can stay here until you change your locks" I looked at this nigga like he was retarded.

"If she broke it first time when I had locks, she can break through another pair of locks Jay" I gave him a look.

"Stay here then, I got room for y'all" he suggested.

"This is too much right now" I groaned rubbing my temples.

"We can go back to our game" he suggested.

"Nigga how old are you, pressing to play a question game" I couldn't help but to laugh at his persistence. No matter what happened he always went back and tried to continue that game.

"I thought it was my turn to ask a question and you know the answer to that question". He was right I did know how old he was, he told me during one of our conversations from the past few days.

"I know Mr.25 with a dick than revive"

"I'm telling you, I'll make you feel like a virgin again" I said doing a hip thrust making me laugh.

"Bye yo, I'm still hungry soo..."

"I'ma order some pizza and we gonna finish my damn game" I pointed at me before pulling out his phone to the dial them.


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