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' Baby you're my everything, you're all I ever wanted

We could do it real big, bigger than you ever done it

You be up on everything, other hoes ain't ever on it

I want this forever, I swear I could spend whatever on it'


"What do you want?" I asked opening my front door to reveal Jayceon. We hadn't talked since I ended things a few week ago. I was too grown to be doing this back and forth thing with him. When he was ready to man up maybe we could go somewhere.

"Wassup can we talk?" he asked.

"We're talking right now" I stated looking at him.

"Can I come in?"

"I guess" I answered stepping out of the way so that he could come in. In walked into the living room where me and Kaelin we're watching Frozen.

"Jaycie!" I heard Kae yell and run over jumping on Jayceon.

"Hey baby girl" he smiled picking her up.

"How come you don't come over anymore" she asked with a pout on her face.

"Well your mommy doesn't like me anymore" he told her looking at me, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Mommy you and Jaycie have to be friends again"

"Hey Kae you hungry?" I asked walking towards her ignoring her question.

"Yes" she said excitedly jumping down for Jayceon's arms. I swear this little girl loves food more than anything.

"Okay let's get you a snack" I told her bringing her into the kitchen where she had her own kiddie table. I pulled out a sandwich from the pile I made already and got her some chips and a cup of apple juice.

"Thanks mommy" she smiled before eating her food.

"You're welcome Kae, don't make a mess" I told her before walking out the kitchen and into the living room where Jayceon made himself comfortable on the couch.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked with my arms crossed still standing.

"I'm sorry Golden..." he began but I cut him off.

"I'm tired of that word, you ain't sorry so shut up with that" I said growing frustrated from this conversation already.

"I'm not gonna lie Golden ,at first, I didn't care, I thought it was just another relationship that ain't work out but this past week all I could think about is you. The way you bite your lips when you thinking..everything, give me another chance" he begged standing up and grabbing my hands as he stood in front of me.

"I can't just jump back into a relationship with you after what happened..You knew what my ex did to me and you did the same"

"We can take this slow, I can gain back your trust, I promise to get better..please just give me another chance" he pleaded wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We can be friends" I said honestly, I wasn't one to hold grudges all the time and decided to forgive him but that doesn't mean I would forget.

"I don't wanna be friends Golden"

"And I don't want a boyfriend that goes around kissing hoes then comes back and kisses me"

"I swear I'm done, it wont happen again, they're all cut off"

"You can't cut off your baby mom, she about to have your first child"

"Me and her gon take care of our child but that's it, if it don't involve our child then I don't have a reason to speak to her"

"Look we good, I don't hate you, even though I want to but we can't just get back to where we were"

"I understand that but just give me one chance and if I fuck up don't gotta speak to me"

"I don't wanna be like my mom Jay" I breathed sitting down on the couch. He looked confused as he sat down next to me.

"You never told me much about her"

"She was always bringing different guys around me, I never grew up seeing a stable relationship"

"Did they ever.." he asked leaving the question hanging.

"No my mom wasn't a terrible mother, she just wasn't the best mother figure, she had me young so all she did was party and get high"

"What about your pops?"

"My mom told me he got married to some hoe and created his own new family".

"Well you're not like your mom Gold, you smart.." he started.

"I'm gonna cut you off right there DJ Khaled" I laughed looking towards the kitchen where I saw Kaelin sitting down with another sandwich in her hand.

"Nah really though your a great mom and you live to make sure your little girl has everything" he complimented me again.

"I kept her away from her dad like my mom did"

"That nigga crazy, you were protecting you and Kae"

"I don't want her to get attached to you and then it breaks her if you leave" I revealed. Jayceon was the first guy I brought around Kaelin.

"No matter what happens between us, I'ma always be here, my nieces and her gon be best friends so yo ass stuck with me" he laughed putting his arms around my shoulder.

"Jaycie you and mommy friends again?" Kaelin asked running out of the kitchen. She had peanut butter and jelly all over her face.

"Best friends" he answered with a smirk. I rolled my eyes getting up, if he thought I was letting him off this easy he was wrong.


"So you and Jay back together" Jayda asked as she sat down on my couch. She had to be at work in a few and was dropping off the twins.

"No, we're gonna take things slow, he has to show that not only am I his main chick but his only"

"Girl I know that's right, he may be my brother but he ain't shit for what he did to you" she said rolling her eyes.

"I just hate that I'm going to have to deal with his ex, they have so much history together" I sighed.

"Her hoe ass, that baby might not even be Jay's" Jayda said.

"Why would she lie?" I asked confused.

"Girl I know you young but you ain't dumb right? She trying to trap his ass, having his baby is a guarantee he gon be around her ass" she rolled her eyes.

"Well that's stupid, bringing a child in the world to basically use as some toy to play with Jay is immature"

"She's a childish petty ass hoe, baby girl what did you expect?" She laughed.

"I could just end things completely and not have to deal with the drama" I sighed leaning back into the couch.

"So why don't you, me and you still gon be cool boo regardless"

"Cause I like your brother a lot, these past few months with him were amazing, minus the drama" I laughed softly thinking about Jay.

"I don't know what y'all see in his big headed ass but I gotta get out of here before my job start bitching about me being late" she laughed as she stood up. We shared a quick hug before I walked her to the door. I opened my door to see someone I thought I would never see in a long time.


Who is at the do'?

She forgave him too quick?


More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now