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"The slate will soon be clean,

I'll erase the memories,

To start again with somebody new

Was it all wasted,

All that love?"


I closed my eyes trying to rid my mind of my past with him. He was one person that brought so much pain and heartbreak with every move he made. I was going to allow him to come into Kaelin's life and do that same. 

"You really gonna keep me away from my daughter" he asked getting angry. I turned and saw Kaelin crying in her carseat. It broke my heart seeing her like that but I wasn't going to take her out and bring her near this sorry excuse off a man and father. As far as I was concerned he was just a sperm donor.

"You can't just pop up after four years and expect to just play dad, she's just a baby and she deserves more than that" I looked at him with disgust. Although he was attractive I don't know what I ever saw in him. He pulled me out of my thoughts when he tightly grabbed my arms. I saw people walking by and looking back at us but no one stopped and came over.

"Don't do this in front of my daughter" I whispered knowing what he was capable of. Ka'ron would act a fool in front of any and everyone.

"You talking like she's not my fucking child too!" he yelled in my face pushing me back making fall. I hit the floor hard hitting my lip on the car next to me on the way down.

"Golden you good" I heard Jay's voice and felt wrap his arms around me standing me up.

"Yeah I'm good thanks" I smiled weakly as I stood to my feet.

"Who the fuck is this nigga trying to play captain save a hoe" Ka'ron asked getting mad all over again because another guy was showing me attention. His jealousy, that was another problem in our relationship.

I had finished cooking dinner for Ka'ron and his friends, they were all in his living room smoking and getting high. I had decided to cook some ackee and saltfish with fried dumplings and fried plantains. My mom was born in Jamaica and my grandma passed down all her cooking tips and recipes. I checked to see if my callaloo was finished cooking. After turning off all the stoves, I set the table with the food and drinks. I made it so everyone one and share out their own plate.

I took off this dumb ass apron that I had put on to prevent myself from messing up my clothes. I had on a tight yellow crop top sleeveless shirt with a ripped pair of high waisted jeans that fit me loosely. I paired the outfit with all gold accessories including my belly button ring, I walked backed into the living room where Ka'ron was at. I had been getting ready to leave when he asked me to cook for him because his boys were coming over.

"Ron I'm bout to leave" I said heading to the door. I could see his nasty ass friends watching me as I walked pass, I could easily tell Ka'ron but I didn't want them to get killed over looking so I didn't say anything. Ka'ron didn't even turn my way, he was so into the football game he was playing. I rolled my eyes and stood waiting, I hated walking out to my car alone at night and he knew that. He turned his head and looked at his friends who were still stealing glances at me.

"The fuck ya'll niggas lookin..". He stopped talking when he turned around and saw me.

"Yo Golden what the fuck are you wearing" I rolled my eyes and turned around walked out the door. Guess I was gonna face my fear tonight cause I hated being around when he got like that.

More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now