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"I mean who am I to hold your past against you?

I just hope that it gets to you

I hope that you see this through

I hope that you see this true"


"You don't think he's the one that Kae saw when somebody broke in?" Shae asked.

"Yo this is seriously some dumb Lifetime movie shit" Jayceon said standing up and walking towards the door.

"Them shows be popping though, they had this one episode where these lil dumb white bitches tried to-" Trey started getting off topic completely so I stopped him.

"Trey shutup and Jay where you going?" I asked standing up also.

"Where this nigga Kendrick stay at?" He asked.

"I got his address on file, why?" Trey dumb ass asked looking confused.

"To check that nigga with his stalking ass, fuck you mean" Jay said walking back over towards us. I didn't want to jump to conclusions but it's really weird that Kendrick knows where I lived and then lied on top of that.

"That nigga big as hell, your scrawny ass can't handle him, you need a man like me to help fight him" Trey said making everybody roll their eyes.

"Let's not start anything in case it's all just a mistake"

"No that nigga always had a crush on Gold, use to watch her all the time" Trey spoke again standing up.

"Why didn't you say anything to me about that, that's weird" I frowned.

"You not exactly ugly, I just thought he had little crush, not that he stalking your ass. You're too boring for somebody to stalk" he shrugged.

I flipped Trey off before looking down as I felt my phone vibrating and looked to find a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: I told you too watch your "back". Told you that you would regret crossing me bitch

"Why you look like that Gold?" Shae asked walking over to me. I just gave her the phone and thought about who the fuck was that.

"I don't even know what to think anymore, the threats and shit don't even phase me, I just want my daughter back and I want things to go back to normal" I groaned running my hand through my hair. Then all of a sudden I remembered who said that to me.

Y'all hoes better watch y'all backs" Bambi said to beat her ass. I saw Shae about to jump in but Trey held her back. He must have called security to come back her cause Terrence came and broke us up.

"You gon regret this bitch just watch" she yelled.

"Bambi?" I said not realizing I said it out loud because everyone turned and looked at me strangely. Shae's eyes widened and she got instant hype.

"This bitch was plotting because her raggedy ass got fired" she said taking her jewelry off and threw her hair up in a bun.

"Maybe it's a coincidence" I suggested trying to give this girl the benefit of the doubt.

"Maybe my ass, I know where that botch live too and I've been waiting on the perfect reason to fuck her up. If I find out she has something to do with Kaelin then I'm going to kill that hoe" she said heading towards the door and we all quickly followed behind her. I began boiling with anger I hope this wasn't her and she didn't do this over the little beef we had.


"Bam you need to get off my couch, you been here for a week and your five kids eating up all my shit" I rolled trying to clean up but my big stomach made that difficult.

"I'm your cousin, you should be happy to help your family. I wouldn't have came if I knew you were so stuck up" she said catching an attitude. I dropped the toys I was holding in a bin and turned to look at her. She has another thing coming if she thinks she's going to bother me in my own house.

"I don't mind helping you but you're suppose to meet me half way, you haven't even got up to look for a damn job since you got fired from stripping"

"I didn't get fired, I quit because I was to classy for that ratchet place"

"Well where the hell is that classiness now, all you doing is sitting up in here on welfare and getting food stamps. You don't even use the food stamps to put food back in my house, you sell them so you can get bundles? Your five kids fucking my shit up, I can't relax in my own home and on top of that, I'm pregnant!" I yelled. Bambi always thought she was better than somebody when she barely had her shit together. I have nothing against people on welfare and those that get food stamps but it's the ones that abuse it and sit on they lazy ass that annoys me. She had five kids and five different baby fathers but she was quick to call me a hoe when I got pregnant and said I wasn't sure if Jayceon or his nigga Trey I was messing with was the father.

"I don't stay nowhere I ain't welcomed and nobody cares about you being pregnant that's all you talk about. And don't talk to me like I'm some little girl before I have to treat you like you ain't family"

"Bitch we related by marriage not blood, I was keeping you here because I didn't want your kids left with anybody while you hoeing"

"You lucky you pregnant but still watch your back" she said getting in my face with her hot halitosis ass breath. She turned away and called her five bad ass kids. All of them were close in age because she was popping them out back to back. She was almost thirty and had nothing to show for.

"Antonise, Azmera, Bryshaun, Deontay, Tarana bring y'all asses we leaving" she shouted.

"They can stay until you find a new place"

"No I'm taking my kids and I'm leaving, can't trust anybody with my children, they might get them taken away from me" she said making me look at her strange.

Why would she say something like that?


So the Bambi has returned with her hoe ass


More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now