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"He was like, (What's your name?), my name Nick

(Where you from?) New York in this bitch,

(Choose and pick) You got the right one,

All them hoes, ain't nothin' like them."


Sitting back I took in the crowd of people playing in the park. When the park started to become crowded that was usually my cue to leave. Pulling out my phone I noticed I had a few missed calls that I would have to get back to later.

I checked the time seeing that Kaelin and I had been at the park for quite a while. My intentions weren't even to stay that long but she managed to always get her way. The sun would be going down in a few and I didn't want to be out here late. I was more than ready to go, I hadn't done much but sitting out in the soon made me sleepy.

"Kae baby it's time to leave". I called out as I walked over to where she was playing with two twin girls that waved when they say me. I smiled at the two and waved back at them.

"Mommy this Ada and Ava" Kaelin smiled pointing out the twins so I could know who was who. I knew it would be hard to tell them apart if I ever saw them again.

"Nice to meet you both I'm Kaelin mom Golden, but Kaelin has to go, maybe you can ask if you can have a playdate with Kaelin one ". I knew Kaelin wanted to see both girls again, she usually stays by herself and observes people around her but she actually was up and running and talking with them.

"We not wit our mom, we with our Uncle Jay but he's talking about import stuff to his friend so we can't inrupt". Ava said getting a few of her words jumbled.

"Well how about you go over and ask him". I suggested. I wanted to leave soon and begin heading home. Tonight I was suppose to be cooking dinner since Shae had been cooking the past couple of nights in a row. I didn't wanted to miss the new episode of Bring It so I had to hurry up. I loved that show for real.

"Okay" both girls exclaimed jumping up and running towards a man who had his back turned and was talking on the phone.

He looked good and I didn't even see his face yet. His seemed angry so whatever he was talking about on the phone must be serious. I didn't understand how he just let them run around and play with no supervision. We were in a nice area but creeps and perverts were everywhere you went. I never took my eyes off of Kaelin when we went to public places.

"Uncle Jay!" Ava and Ada yelled when they reached him. He ended his phone call and turned around to face us and I had to admit he was fine.

"Ya'll ready to go?". He asked, he looked at me probably wondering who I was.

"Uncle Jay this is Kaelin, can we go her house m or she come to ours and this is Miss Golden" Ada said having a little difficulty getting her words out. For their age they spoke really well.

"Wassup ma I'm Jay" he said looking at me licking his lips, I caught him shamelessly checking my body out. I mentally rolled my eyes but kept my smile on my face.

"Nice to meet you, I have no problem with them meeting up here and having play dates" I admitted. I wanted Kaelin to make friends her age because she's always by herself.

"I just got my nieces for the day, they know they gotta ask they moms" he said giving them a look as they smiled innocently.

"Miss Golden give us your number and we can ask our mommy and call you if she says yes" Ava spoke up smiling because she came up with a good idea. I laughed reaching into my purse and writing my name and number on a piece of paper and handed it to Ava.

"You could've just given me your number ma" Jay smirked looking at me. He was looking me up and down licking his lips once again. I gave him a look and shook my head.

"But I didn't so.." I didn't know if he was messing with me or was trying to flirt. Either way I wasn't interested because he seemed like the cocky type. My thoughts were interrupted by a phone ringing, his phone.

"Hol' up" he said walking away from us, he obviously didn't want his conversation to be heard. I could still hear and make out parts of his conversation although he moved away.


"Nay I told you I'm with my nieces for the day"


"Shantanay don't start this shit right now, you always think somebody cheating or something"


"Man fuck Candice and her lying ass, she always claim she see me doing some shit, always watching me like I'm her nigga"


"If you called me to argue then miss me with all that bull shit we can end this shit since you think I ain't faithful to your ass"


"Nah I don't want to hear that shit now, I gotta go"

I quickly looked away so he wouldn't know I was listening to his conversation. This nigga was just checking my ass out and he got a girl, no doubt he probably did cheat on his girlfriend before but I hardly knew him and I wasn't going to get involved with his drama. I just stood and waited until he walked back over.

"Sorry bout that ma, that was my sister" he chuckled.

Lying ass.

"It's cool but I gotta go, I'll see you around". I turned around and walked over to where Kae had went back to play.

"Let's go baby, hopefully you guys can have a play date soon" I smiled saying my goodbyes before turning away.

"Okay mommy, bye Ada, bye Ava" Kaelin shouted as we walked farther away from them.

I grabbed Kaelin's hand and walked towards the lot where I parked my car. After buckling her in her carseat, I stood up straight and closed the door. When I turned around someone I thought I would never see again was standing there.


So who is that by her car ?


More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now