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"Like damn I hope somebody spend some money today

And I pray nobody come and try to take it away

Cause I'm just out here doing what I gotta do

Cause all these fucking bills are due

And I see all this money to make"


After a long night of dealing with catty bitches, perverted men, and hours of dancing Golden was glad to be home. She worked as a stripper in one of the most popular clubs, King Of Diamonds. Often times rappers and ballers came through. Some trying to take her home but she had a daughter at home to attend to and she wasn't the one night stand type.

She shared a three bedroom condo which looked more like an upscale house, with a girl she worked with, Shae. They had became fast friends when Golden first moved out to Miami and was looking for a place to stay. Shae introduced Golden to the life of stripping, the fast money, the rich men wining and dining you.

Golden couldn't lie, she loved the money but she wasn't proud to be a stripper. She had a four year daughter, Kaelin, who was her world and she wanted to set a good example for her but dancing half naked in front of strangers wasn't exactly what she wanted to teach her daughter. She would have to accept it for now because she barely finished high school. She had to drop out her senior year because she was pregnant with Kaelin. No place wanted to hire a high school drop out. She didn't care though, once she was able to put a roof over her and her daughters head and food on the table, she was good.

"Damn Gold, what happened to your curls?" Shae asked coming down the hallway. Golden looked at herself through the mirror and cringed at her appearance. Her cute and bouncy curls from last night were sweated out. She had already used wipes to remove all traces of makeup. Her small curves were hidden under her baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"I know, last night was packed, which means Trey put his best girls out there" Golden blew a breath of exhaustion and trudged through the house making her way towards her bedroom.

"He know he wrong for having you out there all night for some money" Shae said as we stood in the hall leading to our rooms.

"You know Trey likes his money and I wasn't complaining, more dancing means more money" Golden shrugged not really seeing the problem.

"Yeah you saying that now, don't pass out and fall off the stage like Dymond did last month" Shae said giving Golden a warning look.

"I won't and where's Kae, she's usually up by now" Golden question her. Her daughter, Kaelin usually went to sleep at around eight at night so by six in the morning she was up and eating breakfast.

"You know her spoiled self is still sleeping, her behind was up until 12:00 last night trying to watch barbie movies". Shae laughed shaking her head.

"Leave my baby alone but I'm about to take a shower glad I'm off today" Golden sighed in relief and began to strip of her clothes in the bathroom and turned on the shower water.

"Well your ass is lucky, I made Trey mad so he took my day off and said I had to work today or I could find my ass another job". Shae rolled her eyes, their boss Trey got on her last nerve. She didn't want to admit it but she kind of liked him.

"Ya'll clearly like each other keep denying if you want to but get out bitch I'm trying to take a shower" Golden laughed pushing Shae out the bathroom. She took off her bra and underwear and stepped in to steaming hot shower. After and long hot shower she went in her room where she saw Kaelin fast asleep on the bed. She quickly got dressed in her underwear and an oversized shirt and crawled into bed cuddling up with her daughter.

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