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"So this is one of the guest rooms you can sleep in and the room across the hall has two bunk beds the girls use when they come over here" Jay explained as we walked through his house. Jayda felt she would be more comfortable with me watching the girls if she knew where they were. I rolled my eyes at that, it wasn't like I was some weirdo who would harm her kids but I understood where she was coming from.

We had stopped by my house to get spare clothes and other essentials. I packed my mace and taser too because you just never know what could happen. Kae was playing with Ada and Ava in their princess playroom literally, Jay had a princess room created for his nieces.

There was a mural of different Disney princesses, he made sure to make get Princess Tiana painted bigger than every other princess and he made Princess Jasmine and Pochantas a decent size because they were and I quote "close enough to nigga complextion". He even made Mulan a decent size because he thought she was a dope ass Asian. When he explained that I just laughed and left the room.

"Thanks, so I guess I'll see you when you get back?"

"Damn so quick to rush a nigga out his own house" he chuckled turning around and heading back downstairs. I laughed and followed behind him.

"No not at all but I recall you saying you had shit to handle" I replied reminding him of his words.

"Nah I said that shit to annoy Jayda" he said making me straight face him.

Really nigga.

This nigga had me do all this extra shit and pack to spend the night at his house with the kids and he ain't even going anywhere.

"So then what am I here for" I asked giving him an annoyed look. He just flashed me a smile with all his teeth and turned around walking into the living room where he plopped his ass down on the couch.

"You here to keep me company and I know you wouldn't leave your daughter with me so you kinda have to be here" I rolled my eyes, he was right but I still wanted to punch his ass in the throat.

"Man whatever, move over I need to catch up on Basketball Wives" I said sitting next to him on the couch. I heard him suck his teeth and lay back on the couch.

"Nobody wanna watch that shit yo, I'd rather talk, ain't that what y'all females like doing anyway..too grown for them ghetto ass shows". He huffed like an over grown child.

"I'm surprised you ain't say something bout one of them being your wife"

"Man fuck them hoes, some of them bad as shit but they attitudes a turn off"

"How would you know, I thought you didn't like this show" I smirked.

"Yo I watched like one episode with Jayda, shit was annoying" I shook my head and turned of the tv. I turned around on the couch and faced him. He just looked at me like I crazy.

"You wanted to talk nigga, let's talk" I smiled.

"21 questions nigga" I rolled my eyes at the kiddy ass games but nodded my head in agreement to play. We agreed that you couldn't avoid any questions asked.

"Sooo who was that nigga you was arguing with at the park?" He asked all nonchalantly and smiled at me. We had been texting since that day and he's been asking me a lot of shit, we got to know a lot about each other but I still didn't tell him about Ka'ron.

"He's Kaelin's sperm donor" I said rolling my eyes yet again and making up my face just thinking about him. Jay looked surprised and tried to ask a follow up question.

"Nah nigga, my turn, do you have a girlfriend" I asked with a smirk on my face. I already knew the answer but I wanted to see if he would lie or not.

"I'm not even gon lie, when I met you I did but I broke up with her annoying ass yesterday, she a dumb bitch for real yo so to answer yo question I'm single as a pringle my nigga" he answered winking at me when he mentioned he was now single.

"Why she gotta be a dumb bitch though" I asked shaking my head. He was a trip.

"Nah you already asked yo question nigga, sooo that nigga in you and Kae's life?" I knew this nigga was not going to let what happened go. He was going to ask every possible question he could.

"No, to be completely honest, that was my first time I've seen him since I was pregnant with Kae" I revealed feeling annoyed just thinking about my life prior to moving here.

"I knew he was a bitch ass nigga, won't even take care of his own child"

"No I'm the one that left him and moved away" I told him truthfully. Ka'ron wasn't shit already by himself so I wasn't going to add to it.

"Why you left him, he knew you were pregnant right?" He frowned.

"Its my turn" I stated, not wanting to talk about the current topic. "What do you do for a living?"

"I own my own chain of companies, now onto to previous my question.." I quickly cut him off by standing up.

"I think I hear Kaelin calling me" I said walking up to the room where the girls were.

"You know damn well you ain't hear shit" He said pushing me out the way and opening the door and revealed the three of them sleeping under their fort in there sleeping bags, the lion king was playing on the wall from the projector.

"Yeah Kae was screaming for you Gold" he said sarcastically.

"Thought I heard her, sorry " I lied shrugging my shoulders and walked over to the projector so I can turn it off. I turned on the huge night light because the girls didn't like the dark.

"Mhmm bring your lying ass back downstairs" I started laughing and followed him back downstairs, closing the door.

"Can I get something to eat first"I begged, I wanted to avoid his dumb ass game with dumb ass questions and I was hungry as shit. I started walking towards the kitchen and he followed.

"Yeah, what do want I could order some..." he was cut off by the sound of his doorbell. A confused expression fell on his face.

"Help yourself to what ever, leave my pop tarts alone though and my hot pockets". He said before turning around and leaving me alone in the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw that shit was empty. I turned around about to walk out the kitchen when I heard a loud ass female coming from the living room.


Who the fuck is in his house hooting and hollering like an animal?


More Than Gold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now