Party Baby

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Last decision , like for real for real. Because I promise y'all if I make a trilogy I won't update alot . Like I'll update probably once a week ..A WEEK !! Because I'll get really really bored with it , and not know what to do. But if I make just a "Epilogue" then everything would be fine & it'll end correct. It's up to you guys .

-Trilogy ?

-Epilogue ?


Desire's Pov

( Few Weeks Later )

(( Text Mode ))

JBeezy💎:Aye Desire, I want all of you and your friends to come to my party this weekend.

Deedy💓: Coo,Cool where @ ?

JBeezy💎: The Celebrity Hall.

Deedy💓:Well don't you have to be a celeb to get in ? 😳

JBeezy💎:😊You are a celebrity , but no not just celebs will be there.

Deedy💓: Kk . We'll be there.

JBeezy💎: OKAY😁




•Group IMessage•

Deedy💓:Yo Yo Yo Group Message Time !!!

Tweety😈: I hope you know I'm at school.

Bluee⛅:So am I .....

Cupcake😋: Me 2 ??!

(( A/N : bluee⛅: Skye , cupcake😋: Mara , Tweety😈:Altalia ))

Deedy💓: Fine then I won't tell you about JB Celeb party.😒😒

Tweety😈: Spill the beans bitch !!

Deedy💓: He's having a party , at the Celebrity Hall.

Cupcake😋: Cool . The boys comin?

Bluee⛅: Probs not , their still on tour.

Deedy💓: But so is JB.

Tweety😈: MayB he has some kinda off day.

Deedy💓: I guess. But TTYL Teach comin !!

(( End of text mode ))

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and took out my pencil.

" Anyways , we have Desire to tell us that."

"Huh? Tell us what?" I looked up.

" About the inside of a celebrity life style . How it's different than regular days . Kinda like the Western and the Eastern territories."

"Actually it isn't different . It's the same. They sleep , they work , they get educated , they talk with friends , they chill with friends." I shrugged." same as everyone else."

"Hmph. She's lying." I heard someone mumbled .

(-_-) " The phuck I got to lie for ?"

"Enough Ms.Desire."

"Kay." I sighed. God I wish Jacob were here.


Once I finally got home I sat my back pack upstairs and ran to the kitchen to grab something to eat. My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I took it out.


"Heyyyy !!" Alexandria shouted.

"Hey Wassup with the Wassup?"

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