Like Dora Nigga!

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I dont know how long i'll make this chapter. Hopefully long enough though.


Desire's Pov

"What is all of the yelling about?" my mother came downstairs staring at all of us.

"Sorry mom. But guys we need to go"

"Where?" my mom questioned.

"D.C real quick. Jacob call Kiesha." he nodded and called her.

"No. You will not" my mother said grabbing her purse off the rack after walking into the living room with me close behind.

"What do you mean?" i asked as my father came downstairs with two-suitcases.

"Your father & I have jury duty miles away from here so while we're gone your grandmother is watching you."

"Uhm no."

"Yes. And thats final."

"but when i was little i was like dora the mother fucking explorer!"I yelled causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look at me.

"Dont you talk to me that way!" my mother yelled.

"She said no and thats it. End of desc-"




"Life isnt fair" my mother said and left out the door with my father. I growled and sat on the couch.

"I called Kiesha." Jacob sat next to me.


He sighed."And she said we're leaving again."

"WHAT!" i yelled jumping out of my seat."NO!"

"im sorry, but with prod gone, we have to go after him & all of a sudden we have to start a movie"


"i dont know" ray shook his head.

"Oh my god! Why is everything bad happening to me!!"

We all sat in silence until i had an idea.


"And your sure your mother said you can come?" kiesha asked me.

"Of course." i smiled.

"Ok" she shrugged and loaded my things into the truck.

"My mom said its fine with her." Skye came running towards us with luggage.

"Ok lets go" Kiesha shut the trunk.

We got into the car and Jacob whispered to me.

"You sure you wont get caught?"

"positive. Mom & dad wont be back until Wednesday meaning i have at least six days with you guys."

"But its Sunday"

"And thats why i told my grandma im spending nights by Tootsie Rolls house" i smirked.

"What if she wants to see you?"

"i'll make up some lie about me being busy or out." i shrugged.

"Ok my clever genius" he chuckled and lightly pinched my nose. I giggled and smacked his Hand away.



"Ok so where did prod say he was?" kiesha asked as we left the airport.

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