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This chapter is in loving memory of the lost ones in C.T. May all 27of you rest.in.paradise.


Skye's Pov

Penny & I walked to school with Desire & Tootsie Roll by our side.

I had walked Penny to her side of school and i turned to her.

"Penny,be good ok?"

"Ok....Wait" i turned back around to face her."I love you." she smiled.

"I love you too?" i said in more of a question fork before she disappeared in the crowd of the younger children entering school.

My sister & I dont usually say we love each other in neutral like she just did,because we never really had a reason to. Not that i dont love her...just that it was out of the ordinary.


Desire's Pov

I closed my locker and saw Latimore leaning on the one next to me.I rolled my eyes and was about to brush past him until he stopped me.


"Can we talk?"

"About what?" i folded my arms.

"Us.I want to be friends like we used to."

"Yea? Too late for that"

"Come on Desire. You & I both knew when Jacob got here it was over for us. I want to apologize for acting stupid, and missing your party. But,i wont apologize for my attitude. I felt like at any moment he would sweep you off your feet,and he did it. Right in front of me. Im tired of the little games we play,i have to do what i have to do to support my mom. She'll always come first. I missed your party to raise moneyon tour for her & cancer patients. You wouldnt even give me the time of day to explain to you. You just blew me off,like i was nothing...but I still love you." he nodded putting his hands into his pockets.

I honestly feel bad now. I-I never meant to hurt him ..really. It was a mistake & i feel awful.

"Im sorry Jacob. Of course we can be friends. It just kind of hurted seeing you with my enemy. She's gotten everything BUT Jacob & now that she has you. It really hurt. It was so fast,that...that i thought you never really cared about me. You just threw me aside & went straight for her. But now that you explained this to me...i know it wasnt like that" i looked down"Im sorry about not being considerate of your mother & the cancer patients."i sighed.

Without another word spoken he pulled me into a warm hug. I felt a few tears on my shoulder & i let out a few also. This isnt the end for us..its just the beginning of our new friendship. We both pullee away sniffling a bit & stood in an sudden silence.

"Well..i guess i'll see you around" i nodded to him & he smiled at me. Before giving me a soft kiss on the forhead and went to his next class. I had been about 5 mintues late for mine by now. But,eh. Who cares.


Skye's Pov

We sat in the gym playing basketball, jump rope, gossip games, and other various things people would do. At this time Desire's class was also in Gym today so her & I pulled out our phones and checked FaceTime. We both called the boys and the minute they answered they had huge smiles on their faces.

"Hey baby" i smiled.

"Hey" he said out of breath.

"Whats wrong?"

"Laps..we just had to run..laps" he coughed than cleared his throat."Where are you?"

"Gym.Bored without you."

"Awe. You look cute today." he chuckled causing me to giggle.

"Yeah.Ok Mr.Random."

I had heard loud blasted shots fire and many people scream. Our gym teacher had blown his whistle as many students flooded out of the gym. I heard lots of crying and screaming,i heard Roc constantly panic & ask me whats wrong. I had ran off the bleachers and outside of the school building,we were running pass Penny's part of the school when i saw many children running around the classroom as shots were fired. I saw Penn...standing there under the table by the computer table. My whole world than started to go in slow mode. I dropped my phone and ran as i heard it smack on the ground and in the distant i heard roc screaming after me. Desire had constantly yelled after me what was i doing but that all had went into one ear and came out the other.

I ran screaming no as i saw through the window the gun men search under the table. Hot steamy,salty tears began to pour as i almost made it into the school. Something instantly jerked my body back, and another loud bang, & fire had went off. I heard multiple screams as the person carried me away from the school. I screamed and cried and kicked. No! No! No! She cant be gone. I kneed the person in the private and jumped from his/her arms. I ran into the now empty building searching and crying all at once.

"PENNY! ..PENNY!" i screamed looking for her.

I searched everywhere until i heard a whimpering cry from the corner of the room. I hurried and stepped over the many bodies on the floor. I kneeled down to Penny and picked up her half life-less body. "Im so sorry" i cried. She weakly smiled to me & sweetly kissed my forhead before her breathing slowly stopped and her eye lids shut. I screamed and cried as her blood filled my hands and legs. "HELP!." i cried."HELP PLEASE!" i screamed and cried as police officers ran in. Some with their heads held high in ready for war, somewith theirs down low with devastation at the scene,and some in between.

I had never felt so sad in my life..


R.I.P to the 20 children and 7 adults who are now in heaven with Big Man himself. For those children weren't even thinking of a situation so cruel..so vile. As said before "I just want Christmas,I dont want to die. I just want to have Christmas"

Those hopeless parents, all dont get to spend Christmas with the smiles of their beautiful children...instead they'll be hosting funerals for 20 children.

Prayers For the children & staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton,Connecticut. 

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