Girls Day

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Skye's Pov

I woke up to the bed moving this morning. I rubbed my eyes and walked to the bathroom.I cannot talk o anyone or anything before at least brushing my teeth. Not that my breathes THAT bad, i just feel dirty when i do.

"Morning" Roc said to me as soon as i walked back into the room.

"Hey" i smiled and sat on his lap on the bed.

"We're having a Radio Interview today,so-"

"Aww.Boo. I wanted to do fun things with you" i pouted.

"Its ok..I promise some time this week we'll do something fun before you go"

"Ok" i smiled. We both got up and joined everyone downstairs.

"Ok boys lets go" Walter said to them.He had just walked into the house.

"Uhm what do we do?" Desire questioned.

"Stay here" Keisha said walking into the room grabbing her coat off the rack." i dont s

Want you girls getting into any kind of trouble.Got it?"

"Got it" i smiled.

The boys all said goodbye and left out the door. As soon as the door closed Desire and I looked at each other and smirked.

"She said not to get into trouble..So we wont"Desire smiled.

"We'll just go to out somewhere with shades on. No one will recognize us" i smirked.

"Ok..Lets get ready"

We raced upstairs into opposite rooms and got dressed.

[Skye's Outfit-->]

Dont i look normal? No..No. K :(

"Desire you ready!" i yelled through the house.

"Yup." she aid making her way down the stairs." You sure you wont be cold? Its a little chilly outside"

"I'll be fine"

With that being said, we slipped on our shades and walked outside

------- -------- With The Boys ---------------

Author's Pov

The Radio announcer sat on the opposite side of the boys, with them all sitting around him. Keisha sat pn their left, and Walter on their right. Watching closely for any slip ups that they need to practice with.

"Okkkkk.GOOOOOD MORNINNNGGG DC!" the radio announcer began."We're here with the girls favorite band" he continued than did a dramatic pause.."Mindless Behavior"

The studio clapped for effect and the boys began to introduce themselves.

"Hey yall its prodigy"

"Its Roc Royal"

"Aye,Its ya boy RayRay"

"And its yours truly Princeton,and we are"

"Mindless Behavior" they all finished.

"Alright..Alright. So down to the good stuff.Down to the real questions.And before we start these here are the questions from all of the mindless fans" the radio announcer said into the mic."Ok. @MindlessRules36 asks what are you all thankful for?"

"This is Prodigy, and thats a good question. We're..well im thankful for my family and friends"

"This is Roc, uhm,same as Prod im thankful for having my family and friends in my life"

"This is Ray, Im thankful for being able to see my parents and stuff again since its been a while"

"this is Princeton,thankful especially for my best friends that flew out here to see us and my family who calls almost every day"

"Good answers" the radio announcer said "OK. @Mb_GangOrDie says What do you look for in a girl?"

"This is Roc,Im pretty sure we'd all just like a girl who be's herself all the time, smart and has a nice since of humor. I guess you could say we want a mindless girl" The rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

"Ok..@TwerkForPrince says Would you date a fan?"

"This is Princeton,Most definitly" he said and the boys nodded and agreed.

Desire's Pov

"Ok so if we go to the left...uhm we'll be-"

"Lost..We'd be lost.Desire lets just ask for Directions" Skye whined. I sighed in defeat ant tapped someones shoulder still looking down at the map."Excuse me we're a li..little" i started looking up at a gorgeous boy,with a nice smile.

"Lost?Where you looking?"

"Oh..We-We were just trying to sight see"Skye pitched in.

"Want me to show you around?" he asked." Oh.Vince by the way" he smiled at us.

"Yeah..sure" we both said smiling back at him.

---------------Back With The Boys -----------

Author's Pov

"Ok.Now it is time to take fan phone calls everyone!" The announcer said."Caller number 1 you are on"

"Uhm Hey?"

"Hey this is Prodigy"

"Oh my gosh! Uhm Ok,my question is What is your favorite Performing spot?"

"Good question" prodigy started" Uhm i would have to say New York,because i like the lights."

"Oh.Cool thats where i am"

"Well.Thank You number 1 have a nice day at school honey" the announcer said.


"Ok caller number 5 you are on"

"Hey,Im Kara uhm, i wanted to ask Ray whats his favorite food?"

"Its all about the waffles baby!" Ray sort of whooted.

She laughed and continued "And Prince what your favorite style between Peace or Mistfits?"

"Good question..Very good. I would have to sayyyy" prince stretched the question."Misfits..mistfits would have to be the one" he answered.


"Thanks for calling Kara, have fun at school baby"The announcer said.


"That was all our time BUT if anymore questions save them for the 17th when Mindless Behavior WILL be back in the studio"The radio announcer said.

"Yes we will be here." Prodigy said"And dont forget its"

"MB TakeOver!" they all said at once as their music came on the station.

"Home we go"Keisha said.

Skye's Pov

"Thanks,Vince" we waved to him walking back inside.

"He was nice for showing us around" Desire smiled.


"I know right" we both giggled and plopped on the sofa right in time for the boys to walk in.

"Hey babe" Roc hugged me.

"Hey baby" i smiled.

"Why are you smelling?" Prince sniffed Desire.

Uh oh........


Well than .-. They better hope they dont get caught >:D

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