My man !!

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Merry Late Christmas Ninja's !!! Dont hesitate to comment what you got . K? K !!!( Wattpad Deleted my chapter , I really like they fucking nerves.


Desire's Pov

"Well, first off I dont like Beauty" i said.

"I dont like that blue jay star" Altalia rolled her eyes.

"Diggy likes me..i think" Skye blurted.

We gasped."No." i said.

"Yes.He's been flirting with me since Ihop" she rolled her eyes.

"Did you tell Roc?" Mara asked.

"No...i dont want them fighting"

"psh. I do. I aint bring popcorn on this trip for nothing." Altalia said grabbing the popcorn out of her purse.

"You keep popcorn in your purse?" Kiloni asked.


"Well i for one dont like Alix" Abby added along with Kiloni nodding.

"Alix?" i asked them.

"Oh. Alix Lapri. Jacob's girlfriend."

"You mean Amanda?"

"Well her stage name is Alix Lapri" she nodded.


-And we stutinn' like

Gucci Gucci

Louis Louis

Fendi Fendi


Them basic bitches where that shit so i dont even bother-

"Hello?" i answered my phone.

"Hey sweetie its mom. Where are you?"

"oh tootsie roll and I went out to eat"

"oh,good. Well okay. Your father & I will see you in a few days"


"love you"

"love you too" i hung up."That was close"

"Yeah,but now what?"Kiloni sat back

"I dont know. What shopping malls are around here?" i aksed.

"Theres one thats at least 3 blocks away."

"Walk or ride?" Mara asked.

"We should walk" Skye nodded.

"Okay,lets go get ready" i got up.

"We'll wait for you guys outside" Kiloni stood.


[ 1-Mara ...2-Skye..3-Desire...4-Altalia --->Outfit to the side]

"Okay,where are we going again?" i asked as i rubbed my hands together.

"Mall" Kiloni hopped off her bus.

"Okay." i said and we all huddled up and walked down the street.

"So. Which way is the mall?" Skye asked Kiloni.

"Welp...this way" she pointed dowm the left street.

"Okay" Mara shrugged as we all walked that way.


< At The Mall >

"Okay,this outfit is too cute !! " Abby pointed out.

"Awe" i looked at the adorable baby outfit.

"Dudes , why are we in Babies R' Us?" Altalia asked. We all looked at each other & awkwardly walked out.


"Okay.So how did you guys meet the boys?" Kiloni asked us as we sat at the Cafe table.

"Well, I've been knowing Jacob since diapers" i said to her.

"Desire introduced us"Skye said.

"And Mara & I saw them at a restaraunt" Altalia nodded.

"Oh...well its kind of getting late. The boys are probably back by now."


We walked onto the bus laughing and talking until they stopped.

"Whats wro-" i stopped when i saw why they stopped. Thats the only thing that i saw,pure rage flushed through me.

"You bitch !! " i screamed charging towards her. She hopped off of Jacob with a smirk on her face.

" What are you talking about ? " she smiled.

I pinned my hair up into a bun. The girls ran to the back and called the boys. We were circling each other until i was on the right of the bus and she was on the left. Skye & the girls were crouded around us.

" Let me move " Ray ran across the middle of the room & roc did the same.

I charged at her & she smacked my face causing us both to fall.

[ Fight to the side ]

"Bitch..dont..touch...him" i hit her with each word. Sooner or later she had gotten tired and I climbed off of her and fixed my hair back into a bun.

"Okay...whats wrong?" Roc asked.

I watched as she wiped the blood from her nose with the back of her hand.

"My fucking boyfriend !! Dont smell him, unless you wanna lose your ability to smell. Dont sit next to my man , skip two seats and then sit your ass down. Dont bump into him "accidentally" Because my fist will "accidentally" meet your face. Dont compliment him, i know he look good already. Dont ask him no questions at work , google that shit you have an iphone , steal wifi if you need to. Dont ask him for gum, they sell gum at the store for 35€. Dont tell him his shoes untied, let him fall he'll be aight. Dont call him your bro,ya dont got the same parents. Dont call him when you need somebody to talk to a damn diary cause nobody wanna hear your shit.Hes not your bro,ride or die,Bff,nothing !!! Thats all me." I told her. I heard all the girls laughing and the boys trying not to laugh.

"Ok-" Kiesha opened the door as we had stopped. "What the hell happened in here?"


It was short but *shrugs* whatever !!! So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRODIGY !!!!!! :D

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