Dinner Dates

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>.< Trynna squeeze this short chapter in.

Desire's Pov

"Ok im ready" i said unhooking my hair from its bun and walking out the bathroom. Jacob picked up his phone from the nightstand than looked at me smiling.

"Alright lets go"

[Her Outfit --->]

We walked downstairs than everyone else did also.

"Lets go eat" Prod said rubbing his hands together.

"Hungry self" i laughed and we hopped into the van and it took us to the restauraunt.

----At The Restaraunt--------

"One table for 6 please" Ray said to the front desk woman.

"Ok,..right this way" she guided towards us. We walked behind her and i saw two girls chatting at the table. One pointed to me and than said my name. 0_o

"Uhm.Do i know you?"

"Its me..Altalia. I met you at your party & my friend Mara"

"Oh yeah,hey" i smiled to them.

"Hey,"Ray said scooting in there booth along with Prod.

"Well i guess we'll be going to the other booth" Jacob said taking my hand leading me to the table along with Roc and Skye.

---At The Table a couple of Minutes Later----

"Ok.Ok" i giggled and wiped the barbeque sauce off the side of Jacob's mouth with his napkin.

"Yeah,dont do that ish no more"

"Mhmm" i smirked and laughed.

"Yall are crazy. Hey,Wheres Ray and Prod?" Skye cut in.

"Hm. I dont know,but where ever they are im pretty sure Mara & Altalia are with them" i shrugged.

Prod's Pov

---Outside at The Park----

"Ok.So you mean to tell me you have alllll sisters? No brothers?"

"None."she shook her head.

"Thats crazy."i shook my head. I was looking forward but out of the corner of my eye i could see her staring and smiling at me. I turned and smirked at her causing her to look down and blush.

"Im sorry. Its just that i cant believe im sitting here with you" she looked up smiling at me.

"What is there not to believe,im sitting here with you now" I smiled at her.

Ray's Pov

---Outside Near The Park---

"So Altalia,i see you have alot of style"

"Yes i do. Your not too bad yourself" she smiled.

"Well you know" i cocky laughed.

"No i dont know" she said scrunching her eye brows.

I smacked my teeth and she laughed.

"Im just messing with you. I get'cha."

"I know"

"Ite cold" she rubbed her hands together.

"Here" i said giving her my coat.

"Aha' you jack" she said taking it and running away. I ran after her laughing through the park.

Roc's Pov

We paid for the lunch we had & walked out of the restauraunt just in time for Prod & Roc to come back.

"Hey" Ray said dapping me.

"What happened?" Desire said sticking her hands into her poxkets.

"We walked them home & found out they live out here" Prod said to me.

"Nice..i guess" Skye said.

"Why the i guess" i questioned her,getting into the van that had just pulled up.

"You guys are all over the place...it'll be hard for Ray & Prod" she explained to me.

"True" Ray looked down.

"Its alright man..we'll figure SOMETHING out" Jacob said shaking both their shoulders lightly.


Just had to update this short part :/ I have to watch my cousins. (-.-)

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