Chapter 1 - Why does pain always hurt?

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Steve's eyelids flickered open to once again reveal the ceiling of his floor in the avengers tower. The room wasn't too bright but his eyes still hurt. The headache he'd developed made everything hurt, and there wasn't much he could do to ease it because of his serum. There was a slight knock on Steve's door and he turned toward it. "Come in," he mumbled with only a small amount of volume in his voice.

The door slowly opened to reveal Bucky stood in the doorway in his pyjamas. "Nat and I are making breakfast and we were wondering if you wanted anything?"
Steve sat up slowly holding his head. "Um, yes please Buck. Waffles?" "Sure thing Steve. Be down in 10?" Steve nodded his head slightly and then automatically regretted it. There was no point in him taking anything, his serum would work straight through it anyway. He just hoped the pain would go away soon.

By the time Steve made it to the main floor, it had been more like 15 minutes than 10 but then that was only to be expected, seeing as he was now fully clothed and had had a shower in that time.

As soon as the elevator doors opened Steve could smell warm waffles. He look directly across the room at the kitchen to see Bucky shuffling behind Natasha to get around her, to which Nat responded by playfully dabbing batter on Bucky's nose.
"Morning lazy bones," Bucky said when he noticed Steve, "Funny, I swear I said to be down in 10, not 15?!"
Steve smiled as he walked over to the breakfast bar.
"Well, you know I've never had any problem going against orders from you Buck."
"Yeah, for a captain you sure do hate takin' orders don't you Steve?"
Bucky took the two fresh waffles out of the oven, put them on a plate and placed them in front of Steve.
"There you go pal."
"Thanks Buck," Steve responded.
"No problem. Oh, and how's your head?"
The other Avengers looked confused until Natasha responded.
"Well, I guess when you've known someone for as long as these two have, you get to the point where you can just tell."
Natasha got an acknowledging nod from the others and then they all continued to eat their breakfasts.  That is until they were interupted.
"Sir, Mr Fury is on his way up, he would like to have a word with you all.  I believe it's regarding a mission," Jarvis explained.
"Okay, thanks Jarvis," Tony responded through a mouth full of waffle.
"A pleasure as always sir."
Steve always saw Jarvis as head of security in the tower although he assumed that wasn't the exact job title, if there even was a job title.

As expected, a few minutes later the elevator doors opened to reveal Nick Fury dressed fully in Black as usual.  Steve wondered how he could cope in black on a day like today, the sun was shining and the weather forecast had predicted it was gonna be hot. Steve had gone for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and even that was proving to be a bit too much at this point.

"Lovely to see you're all looking so laid back this morning.  Shame you've got a mission to do," Fury said in a rather monotone voice.
"What's the mission Fury?" Natasha asked from the kitchen.  She had Bucky's arms wrapped around her and you could see she was happy.
"There is an active Hydra base just outside the city.  We need you guys to get in there, check for hostages, kill any Hydra agents you find, and get out with the hostages," Fury explained.
"When do we start?" Bucky asked.
"Straight away Mr Barnes.  Suit up and get to it."
Now Steve wished he was wearing all black rather than having to suit up.  Oh well.  The joys of being a superhero.

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