Chapter 32 - Incomparable Pain

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Hannah and Steve stayed dancing, or rather swaying, together for 2 songs, long enough for them to feel comfortable in the fact that the two of them, in that moment, were all that mattered.

A voice rather abruptly came over the speakers, causing the music to stop and Hannah and Steve to pull away from each other, but still stay close.
"Hello guests, I thank you all for coming this evening." Jason Meyer's voice boomed over the speakers.
Hannah's body went rigid again, but Steve placed his hand on her back, rubbing circles into it, showing her she was safe.
"I'd like to thank the staff and chefs for helping me put on such an amazing evening." This earnt a round of applause from the guests, including the Avengers, so as not to appear out of place.
"Thank you, thank you. No, no, no, most importantly, Id like to thank my, somewhat unexpected guests, The Avengers!"
The team stopped in their tracks when around 20 guns immediately pointed at them.
"Now, now guys, they're still my guests! Come on, make yourselves known!" This lead all of the Avengers, including Hannah, to remove their masquerade masks, considering their cover was now blown out of the water. "Ahh, I hoped you'd be here sweetheart." Jason uttered quietly under his breath when he caught sight of Hannah.

All of the Avengers we still split up in pairs, meaning fighting back would be harder than usual, especially given just how many guests were in the room.
"Hannah, sweetheart, I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me after you killed me, hadn't you?"
Jason said as he walked so he was around 3 feet away from Hannah.
"Get away from her asshole!" Steve said as he swiftly swung his fist and punched Jason in the face. Jason stumbled backwards, clutching his nose, but strangely, he was laughing to himself.
"A little defensive are we Captain?" Jason questioned, still smiling.
"You don't know the half of it." Steve replied as he stepped forward slightly, Jason's men's guns still pointed towards him.
Hannah quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back, "Steve don't, he's not worth it."
Steve listened and moved backwards.
"Aww, is this a little romance blossoming Captain?"
"Shut up Jason!" Hannah yelled, suddenly finding her voice.
"It's sweet really. Although I doubt your relationship will ever be as special as ours was, given your little secret. I'm assuming you haven't told them." Jason looked almost as if he was challenging her.
"You'd better watch your damn mouth Meyers." Hannah said, now more defensive, yet scared, than ever.
"I might have known."
"Han, what's he talking about? You told me everything, right?"
"Oh Captain. Was there nothing you found curious about her?"
"STOP IT! Steve, it doesn't matter, I told you everything you needed to know, I swear!"
Steve's eyes were both curious and hurt. Was he too quick to trust this time after all?
"Did you never wonder why she didn't tell you her surname Captain? Why she didn't tell any of you her surname?"
Jason turned in a circle to question the other Avengers.
"She doesn't know it!" Steve shouted back, trying to claw back a sense of control.
"Oh Hannah. Of course she does Captain."
"Steve, please, don't listen to hi-"
"Loki," Thor muttered under his breath in shock.
"DAUGHTER OF LOKI, Laufeyson."
Steve was in shock as he stepped away from Hannah, "No," he said quietly, shaking his head.
"Steve please, I'm not him, that's why I didn't tell you, it wasn't important!" Hannah explained with tears streaming down her face.
"NOT IMPORTANT?!" Steve screamed.

There was no sound for a while, before Jason stepped in to break the silence.
"Well, we'll be off then, unless you want everyone in this room dead? Avengers?"
No one said a word, more out of shock than anything else.
"Didn't think so. Well then, so long Avengers, for now at least."
With that, Jason and his men left the building, leaving shock and distraction in his wake.

The Avengers moved together around Steve and Hannah.
"Steve-" Hannah squeaked out.
"NO! No. Just get her back to the tower and put her in interrogation. I don't even wanna see you right now. I can't... I just can't." Steve said before storming out to the car to go back to the tower.

Tony turned back to Hannah, having followed Steve out of the room with his eyes.
"Tone, please, I-"
"You need to come with us." Tony looked broken and hurt. "I trusted you... we all did."

Clint looked at Hannah with sorrow in his eyes before taking Hannah to the car to go back to the tower.

Hannah decided that the look on all of the Avenger's faces hurt, but Steve's was beyond compare, and that killed her.

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