Chapter 65 - Not Surprised

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Once Tony and Steve entered the elevator, Tony soon sparked up conversation with the solider.
"So, Cap, how are thing's going with Han?"  Tony questioned, turning to look Steve in the eyes.
"I know you saw Tony, and I'm only surprised that you didn't catch on sooner.  I'm happy with her Tony, I really am.  She makes me smile, and right now, I wanna be there for her, through everything she's going through with her powers.  I am worried about her though, losing her powers has affected her Tony, she's not herself, she said things didn't feel right anymore.  What are the odds that Jarvis can find a suitable formula to get them back?"  Steve questioned, eyes full of desperation and worry, emotions the soldier didn't show the team that often, least of all Tony.
"It's gonna be okay Steve, trust me.  I'm already running diagnostics on Hannah, we're gonna work out how to fix this.  As soon as we're done on this mission, we'll work double time to find a solution.  We'll get them back Steve, and then she'll be back to her old self again.  Trust me," Tony said, placing his hand on Steve's shoulder in an attempt to reassure him.
"Thank you, Tony, and I do trust you," Steve replied with a small smile.
In truth, Tony had no idea if they could get Hannah's powers back, especially after the failed attempt the first time, and even with Jarvis' help, their ideas were running low.  He cared about Hannah like a daughter, even in the short time she'd been there, and it hurt him too that she'd lost a part of herself.  Tony had no idea what he'd do if he had to break his promise to Cap, he just hoped that Hannah could learn to defend herself without her powers, just in case Meyers was right, and there was no cure for what he'd done to her.  But right now, they had a mission to focus on, and Hannah finding a job on comms eased Tony's worries slightly, at least for now.

The two men were soon interrupted by a ping from the elevator.
"Ready to go Tony?"
"Ready when you are Cap," Tony replied, exiting the elevator with the soldier, walking to the jet to meet the team.

Finding the island was going to be the easy part, taking Jason in on the other hand, that was going to be a challenge, even for the Avengers.

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