Chapter 2 - Just for clarity

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Once the whole team had suited up, they all jumped, though not literally, onto the hellicarrier. All that is, except Tony. Apparently, Iron Man was too cool to take a plane when he could fly of his own accord. Steve never really saw the point of this considering they were always on the comms to each other throughout the flight anyway.

Suddenly, a loud voice rung out through the speakers.
"So, where are we headed then team?" Tony asked.
Once Steve had taken his fingers out of his ears after Clint had turned the speaker volume down, he replied in a slightly irritated tone.
"An old abandoned warehouse not far from here. Clint, might be an idea to park the jet soon so we can go in on foot. At least that way we stay as under the radar as possible."
"You got it Cap," Clint replied just as he began to take the jet down.
"Right, so, everyone clear on the plan?" Steve questioned as he looked around the group. Everyone nodded in response.
"I know what we're doing." Bucky stated, "but just to be extra sure, could you go over the whole thing just once more please?"

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