Chapter 71 - Grand Entrance

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"Jarvis, they've gotta be around here somewhere, can you really not find any life signs?" Hannah questioned the A.I as she made her way into the building.
"There appear to be some heat signatures Miss, but there's more of them than the team, it could be Meyers."
"Behind that wall, right? Presumably through the hulk sized gap," she said with a sarcastic tone.
"Correct Miss, but wait a moment, it would appear they're talking, and now may not be the best time for your entrance," Jarvis suggested.
"Okay, I'll hold off, don't wanna scare Jason off, not after everything the team went through to track him down."
"I'll give you a signal when its a good time to enter, although if youre anything like Mr Stark, I assume you'll ignore it."
"Haha, you already know me too well, Jarvis."


Steve was the member of the group to step forward once they'd finished their conversation. What Meyers was proposing was insane, and it made Steve want to lash out just thinking about it. Either the team lose their abilities, regardless of how few of them that would actually be, leaving the world unprotected, or they work for him, and do his dirty work. They'd all agreed that Steve probably had the most to lose from the first scenario, mainly because they didn't know what effect taking the serum away would have on his health, so they left that area of the decision mostly down to Steve.
"You know were not afraid of a fight Meyers, we won't take either of the options easily. We'll protect the world for as long as we can, regardless of how many of your soldiers may be in this room, we're not going down easy," Steve argued, moving quickly into a fighting stance, shield poised in front of him.
"Oh Captain, you bring yourself and your team to my island, and expect to have the same odds in a fight as you would if I were on your turf. You really are more stupid than I thought you were. MEN! ENTER!"
As Jason finished his command, the sound of heavy boots echoed throughout the room, and the noise went on for what felt like an age. Soldier after soldier poured into the room, until it was full of regimented lines of Jason's men.
"I don't wanna say I told you so," Natasha whispered into Steve's ear as she took a defensive position next to him.
"I know, Nat. Everyone stand your ground, this is gonna be a hard fight, but we can win. We have too."

"What do you think, Avengers? Impressive, no?"
Suddenly, a repulsor ray went off, and Jason flew backwards through three rows of his soldiers, leaving the Avengers baffled as to where the shot had come from. The only logical explanation led to the whole team turning to look at Tony.
"Wasn't me guys. Jarvis, what was tha-"
Before Tony could finish his question, Sam tapped Steve on the shoulder, directing his attention towards the hole in the wall, "I think we might have company," Sam suggested, confusion written across his face, as it was for the whole team.
"No, I don't think it was impressive at all," the iron suited figure shouted from the hole. "But then I've never thought you were impressive Jason."
The helmet of the Iron Man suit was removed to reveal Hannah, arm still up, with the repulsor aimed directly at Jason's chest. The team stood there in awe, but the look on Steve's face couldn't be described in the same way. It was somewhere between annoyance, and concern, which was to be expected given the lying that had gone into getting Hannah to where she was, standing in front of them in one of Tony's suits.
"Hannah, finally, I thought you were never going to turn up! How lovely to see you darling," Jason said, slowly standing up and dusting himself off.
"Enough with the 'darling', Meyers, stand your men down, or I can have every SHIELD agent here in a flash. Your call," Hannah said, raising her eyebrows as if to challenge Jason.
"Have it your way then Hannah. Call in SHIELD, because I know you're bluffing."
The smile on Meyers' face grew as he saw panic flash across Hannah's face. She wished she hadn't used that as a defence, because Meyers was right, SHEILD couldn't make it there that quickly, even if every one of them was wearing an iron man suit, which they wouldn't be, but she'd panicked.
"Hannah, behind me. Now!" Steve shouted as he turned back to Jason's men.
The irritation and concern in Steve's voice was growing, but he knew he had to keep it under control. He hated that she'd followed them, even after everything he'd said about wanting to keep her safe. Not only that, she'd disobeyed a direct order from Fury, and that alone wasn't something to be taken lightly, regardless of it being with the best intentions. It wasn't safe for her out in the field right now, and her presence may have just jeopardised the whole mission. But that was something to worry about later. Right in that moment, it seemed they had a fight on their hands.

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