Chapter 23 - Breakfast of Champions

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The elevator doors opened onto the main floor where everyone was either sat talking or stood making breakfast.
"Morning guys."
Everyone then turned to look at Hannah. A few of them said morning while the ones cooking smiled & nodded before going back to cooking.
Tony stood up from where he'd been sat on his phone.
"I see you found your surprises then," he said with a big grin.
"What gave it away?" Hannah sarcastically asked with a smile. "Did I seriously pass?"
"You absolutely passed. The S.H.I.E.L.D database reiterated what you said and Fury gave us the rest to fill in the gaps, so you're all good." Tony explained with a smile. "Come on, let's grab some breakfast.

The pair walked over to the sofa but Hannah was soon pulled to one side by Bucky, but not before Tony could call back to her though.
"As for what gave it away, your clothes and the fact that it took you less than an hour to get here." Tony called back with a wink.
Bucky took Hannah to one side behind one of the walls.
"Hannah. I ummm... just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I miss judged you. But regardless, you hurt Steve, that's it. All trust gone. Got it?"
"I understand Bucky. He's your best friend. The last thing I want to do it hurt him. But I hope you & I can be on good terms now?" Hannah stated with a small smile.
"I hope so too." Bucky said, returning the smile, holding his hand out towards Hannah.
She shook it willingly.
"Well then, best go make sure Nat hasn't burnt anything," he said, clapping his hands together and smiling.
The pair made their way back to the group, with Hannah walking over to sit with tony on the couch and Bucky going back to the kitchen before wrapping his arms around Natasha and kissing her on the neck.

Once everything was cooked, Bucky & Natasha plated up and put all the food on the dining table. It didn't take long for everyone to take their seats around the table. Hannah noticed it was Bucky who sat down last. He'd been wrapping some food he'd put to one side on a plate in tin foil, presumably for Steve.

When everyone had sat down, they all tucked into the feast of a breakfast that was in front of them. Hannah assumed this was roughly how much all of them needed to properly function everyday, what with the training, the smaller planned missions, and the larger unexpected ones. It has to be hard, eating that much everyday, but their jobs meant it wasn't exactly hard to stay in shape.

Talk soon turned to everyone's plans for the day.
"I'm going downstairs to train for a while. Hopefully Fury won't find any missions for us for a couple of days." Natasha explained.
"Yeah, what's a team without it's Captain anyway." Tony said with a smile. "I'm gonna pass on the training though. I've got a few things to tinker with in the lab. Bruce, I presume you'll be joining me?"
"As always." Bruce said, still only part way through his breakfast.

Once everyone had established what they were doing, with Natasha, Bucky & Clint going to the training room, Tony & Bruce in the lab, Sam out on patrol with Wanda, & Thor, who Hannah had yet to meet, still on Asgard, Bucky turned to Hannah.
"What about you Han?" He said with a smile.
"Well, I'm gonna go see Steve for a while. Any idea how long it'll be till he's healed?"
"I'll come with you & check the stitches Han, but it should be either today or tomorrow." Tony answered.
"The sooner the better. He's not that great at resting." Sam explained as he turned to Hannah & smiled, rolling his eyes, making Hannah laugh.

Hannah and Tony both stood up from the table, heading off in the direction of the elevator. The pair stopped when Bucky called after them.
"Han! Can you take the tin foiled plate with you? He'll be wanting breakfast by now."
"Yeah sure," Hannah said as she grabbed the plate before exchanging smiled with Bucky and walking to catch up with Tony.

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